userAdam Woolridgecancel

10,937 Commits over 3,377 Days - 0.13cph!

8 Years Ago
- Removed town - Mission generation screen is now instant
8 Years Ago
- Reduced spawn location density around room entrances in Factory tileset
8 Years Ago
- Enemy shield ability max duration timer from 3 to 2 seconds - Another shockbeam fix
8 Years Ago
- Increased speed of spikey things - Turret spawn chance increased to 30% from 20% - Couple of shockbeam optimisations - Rebuilt factory tileset
8 Years Ago
- glue moves faster - turret plasma blasts are larger and decelerate
8 Years Ago
- Lowered health values - Doubled spawn budgets - Made glue projectiles faster - Patchers now shoot faster and with an increased angle offset range
8 Years Ago
- blocked empty feedback reports
8 Years Ago
- blocked empty feedback
8 Years Ago
- Increased size of glue projectile and decreased it's speed
8 Years Ago
- Enemies can now only use their shield ability twice - Enemies now only use their abilities when they're aware of the player
8 Years Ago
- Locked off all mission except one - Made mission level flow linear - Added enemies back to minimap - Reduced health of bouncers
8 Years Ago
- Doubled M/K camera look ahead distance
8 Years Ago
- Troubleshooter updated for feedback build
8 Years Ago
- Mission lenghts/rewards stuff
8 Years Ago
- Moved boss mission to 4th mission - Removed boss text from mission screeen
8 Years Ago
- Your round uses pipes dungeon flow
8 Years Ago
- Mission stuff - RadiusBlast now does direct hit damage to large collider objects
8 Years Ago
- Mission text
8 Years Ago
- Mission locks
8 Years Ago
- Aclohol extractor stuff
8 Years Ago
- Reworded nuts waiting message and made it fit the panel better
8 Years Ago
- Added mortar spawner to beer taps fight, altered heal;th values of taps + turrets,made it more fun
8 Years Ago
- Beer taps fight
8 Years Ago
- Factory pipes stuff
8 Years Ago
- Gameplay stuff
8 Years Ago
- Asteroid tileset work
8 Years Ago
- Super duper booster effects now face actual movement direction not ship orientation
8 Years Ago
- Ability and powerup booster effects now activate
8 Years Ago
- Booster WIP stuff and playership scene rebuild
8 Years Ago
- Dropped weapons now have an effect - Rebuilt player prefabs
8 Years Ago
- Added starter booster to starter equipment - Starter equipment items are now excluded from loot selection
8 Years Ago
- Item definitions can now have an effect prefab ref that gets linked to the weapon model
8 Years Ago
- For real.
8 Years Ago
- New lives start with 2 bonus nuts instead of 1
8 Years Ago
- Projectile hits of matching alignments are ignored
8 Years Ago
- Made a new enemy pack without Booze burners for pipes missions
8 Years Ago
- Merged player prefab stuff back to main
8 Years Ago
- Weapon fix
8 Years Ago
- Weapon anchor points are now taken from the PlayerShipModels componnent
8 Years Ago
- PrefabLink can specify an override for build order. 0 is default < 0 priority - Prefab rebuilding tool now builds prefabs in order - Player prefab rebuilding/linking/model stuff
8 Years Ago
- Assigned transforms in PlayerShip scene - Rebuilt prefabs from PlayerShip scene
8 Years Ago
- Fixed playship transform assignments
8 Years Ago
- Pipes
8 Years Ago
- pipes dungeon work
8 Years Ago
- More pipe dungeon work - Screw you damage increased to 2-5 from 2-4
8 Years Ago
- Now defaults to m/k controls when bypassing control select screen in editor
8 Years Ago
- Made some test pipe rooms - Made a factory pipes flow/archetype/everything else - Test pipe mission - Rebuilt factory tileset
8 Years Ago
- Ability balance changes
8 Years Ago
- Increased spawn cost of Bouncer from 2 to 3 - Rebalanced some weapons now I've fixed some bugs that made them worse than they should have been previously
8 Years Ago
- Fixed BaseProjectile bugs