userAdam Woolridgecancel

10,922 Commits over 3,377 Days - 0.13cph!

8 Years Ago
- Your current weapon no longer gets dropped when picking up a new weapon. Gets destroyed. - Roomspawner global scale budget set to 1 - Added a sound when picking up a weapon
8 Years Ago
- Removed some doors from factory rooms to eliminate inter-room backtracking
8 Years Ago
- Ripped out some more unused stuff, cut down some loading times slightly
8 Years Ago
- Moved steam manager to splash screen
8 Years Ago
- Reworked start screens flow
8 Years Ago
- More
8 Years Ago
- Added button text to weapon pickups - Renamed some weapons
8 Years Ago
- Weapon names now appear above weapon pickups when in range to collect
8 Years Ago
- Level progress bar work
8 Years Ago
- Rooms are now assigned invididual time allowances and when the level is generated, the total time allowed is calculated - Set some initial time values
8 Years Ago
- Added a portal energy timer which counts down, gameover if it reaches 0 and the level exit portal closes before you reach it - "Cash" from dead enemies now replenishes portal energy - Room tweaks
8 Years Ago
- Flattened out the depth chance curve of rooms
8 Years Ago
- Test mission removal
8 Years Ago
- Fixed another bug with flashing health
8 Years Ago
- Increased chance of spikey spawners and patchers
8 Years Ago
- Lowered the health of the spikey spawner
8 Years Ago
- Removed the debris chunks that look stuff you should collect from all the enemies
8 Years Ago
- Reduced last orders mission length to 4 rooms - Added Spawner Spikeys that spawn a bunch of normal spikeys when killed - Can now click middle mouse to collect weapon - Launchers can be set to destroy themselves after completing a cycle - Fix for healh bar not stopping flashing - Added no ammo click noise when trying to fire a weapon with no ammo - BaseEntity can now be set to spawn specific items
8 Years Ago
- Weapon switch sound
8 Years Ago
- Lowered turet health values 20->16 - Rooms now spawn more loot barrels - Loot spawner bug fix - Rebuilt factory tileset
8 Years Ago
- Ammo placeholder UI and switching - Speed boost duration and cooldown reduced further
8 Years Ago
- Enemies/containers can now drop ammo - Ammo drops have an 80% chance to drop ammo type for one of your equipped weapons or 20% chance to be a random ammo type
8 Years Ago
- Player health bar now flashes when <= 2 health and 0 shields - Loose cannon damage is now 2-2 from 1-2 - Flash component can now take a target gameobject to flash and caches it's own renderer
8 Years Ago
- Can now switch weapons with the mousewheel as well as Q
8 Years Ago
- Cash now disappearsa after 10 seconds, to encourage the player to head into danger. Starts flashing after 6 seconds - Increased ammo cost of bolt gun
8 Years Ago
- Increased spawn weighting of spikers
8 Years Ago
- Reduced ammo cost of loose cannon
8 Years Ago
- Weapons can now drop from enemies and crates - Spawn budget changes
8 Years Ago
- Weapons now use one ammo cost for both weapons, not one each
8 Years Ago
- Added placeholder ammo counters to UI
8 Years Ago
- Added ammo types and ammo - Weapons now use ammo - Weapon definitions can set ammo type and ammo cost - Weapons grant ammo of their type when picked up for the first time
8 Years Ago
- Weapons can now be picked up and dropped
8 Years Ago
- Stopped deadend checks
8 Years Ago
- Reduced duration and cooldown of speed bost - Reduced aggro range - WIP weapon pickups
8 Years Ago
- Enemies in an enemy pack now have a spawn chance weighting - Increased ratio of spikey enemies to others - Health tweaks for enemies - Glueblast collider radius tweak - Changed some spawn budgets down by 10
8 Years Ago
- Removed town - Mission generation screen is now instant
8 Years Ago
- Reduced spawn location density around room entrances in Factory tileset
8 Years Ago
- Enemy shield ability max duration timer from 3 to 2 seconds - Another shockbeam fix
8 Years Ago
- Increased speed of spikey things - Turret spawn chance increased to 30% from 20% - Couple of shockbeam optimisations - Rebuilt factory tileset
8 Years Ago
- glue moves faster - turret plasma blasts are larger and decelerate
8 Years Ago
- Lowered health values - Doubled spawn budgets - Made glue projectiles faster - Patchers now shoot faster and with an increased angle offset range
8 Years Ago
- blocked empty feedback reports
8 Years Ago
- blocked empty feedback
8 Years Ago
- Increased size of glue projectile and decreased it's speed
8 Years Ago
- Enemies can now only use their shield ability twice - Enemies now only use their abilities when they're aware of the player
8 Years Ago
- Locked off all mission except one - Made mission level flow linear - Added enemies back to minimap - Reduced health of bouncers
8 Years Ago
- Doubled M/K camera look ahead distance
8 Years Ago
- Troubleshooter updated for feedback build
8 Years Ago
- Mission lenghts/rewards stuff
8 Years Ago
- Moved boss mission to 4th mission - Removed boss text from mission screeen