userAlex Rcancel

638 Commits over 3,103 Days - 0.01cph!

8 Years Ago
move serialized properties on SoundOcclusion outside of if CLIENT
8 Years Ago
Quick mp5 gunshots for helk
8 Years Ago
Bring FMOD crash prevention delay times up to old values
8 Years Ago
Do budgeted sound updates via Update instead of a coroutine
8 Years Ago
Remove debug.log call
8 Years Ago
merge from main/soundocclusion
8 Years Ago
Misc sound polish
8 Years Ago
All explosions have their own unique sounds now Fix a bunch of explosions having a second c4 sound on one of the smoke particle objects General explosion sound polish
8 Years Ago
Lr300 gunshot tweaks round 2
8 Years Ago
lr300 gunshot beef up
8 Years Ago
More sound polish
8 Years Ago
lr300 sounds
8 Years Ago
Collectable pickup sunds for mushrooms, stones, and stumps Research table sounds More sound tweaks & polish
8 Years Ago
Set sound modulator value to 1 when fetching new modulators from the pool
8 Years Ago
RUST-1250: Sound pooling fixes (hopefully.. can't reproduce in editor yet)
8 Years Ago
Song gap tweaks
8 Years Ago
Removed a few shitty bird stings and cricket loops Better volume balance and general polish on ambient sounds Less ear-piercing hitmarker sound Better, more varied bullet flybys and ricochets Don't play a million ricochet or impact sounds when shotgun blasts hit the ground More woody knock and less tearing on tree impacts Footstep polish and consistency Bush rustles have a lot shorter fade in and sound more natural Misc small sound tweaks, volume balance, and polish
8 Years Ago
Double barrel shotgun sounds
8 Years Ago
Cut warpath from music list
8 Years Ago
NRE Fix when biome/topology map aren't available
8 Years Ago
NRE fix
8 Years Ago
Drop default music volume a bunch Enable music by default Add console vars to set gap between songs (music.minSongGap and music.maxSongGap) Reduce default gap between songs Start music when intensity is raised and no music is playing Don't play songs if music volume is turned down all the way
8 Years Ago
Remove audio files for unused song Preserve sample rate on music
8 Years Ago
Music! (still disabled via music.enabled convar by default for now)
8 Years Ago
New XP gain sound. Tweaks to other xp related sounds
8 Years Ago
level up and item unlock notice sounds
8 Years Ago
Fix for PhysicsEffects error when collision.contacts is empty
8 Years Ago
Sound priority tweaks
8 Years Ago
More item pickup/drop ui sounds
8 Years Ago
Meat cutting sounds
8 Years Ago
Caught fish sounds (fish trap)
8 Years Ago
Sound & mix tweaks
8 Years Ago
mix tweaks
8 Years Ago
remove debug.log calls
8 Years Ago
Fix rain surface ambience not playing
8 Years Ago
Small AudioMixer tweak
8 Years Ago
merge from main/mix-polish
8 Years Ago
Eat/drink sounds
8 Years Ago
Flamethrower sounds
8 Years Ago
Handle out of range AmbienceEmitters in AmbienceManager.Tick instead of OnCullingGroupChange (more reliable + better CullingGroupSendEvents perf)
8 Years Ago
Slight tweak to out of range AmbienceEmitter deactivation
8 Years Ago
Ensure AmbienceEmitters always fade out on deactivation
8 Years Ago
Vomit sound tweaks
8 Years Ago
AmbienceEmitter doesn't fade in quite as fast when there's no sound currently playing
8 Years Ago
Water bucket sounds
8 Years Ago
reduce ambience emitter activation range a bit (better perf in areas with dense foliage)
8 Years Ago
AmbienceManager update tweaks
8 Years Ago
Update AmbienceEmitters from AmbienceManager so we can leave emitter scripts enabled and use OnEnable to update emitter positions when pooling
8 Years Ago
Make sure all in world ambience emitters are flagged as static
9 Years Ago
merge from /main/inv-ui-sounds