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Fix for PhysicsEffects error when collision.contacts is empty
More item pickup/drop ui sounds
merge from main/phys-effects
Physics sounds/effects WIP
Caught fish sounds (fish trap)
Fix rain surface ambience not playing
merge from main/mix-polish
merge from main/mix-polish
Mix improvements, lots of sound polish, more variations for a bunch of common sounds, etc, etc
Handle out of range AmbienceEmitters in AmbienceManager.Tick instead of OnCullingGroupChange (more reliable + better CullingGroupSendEvents perf)
Slight tweak to out of range AmbienceEmitter deactivation
Ensure AmbienceEmitters always fade out on deactivation
AmbienceEmitter doesn't fade in quite as fast when there's no sound currently playing
reduce ambience emitter activation range a bit (better perf in areas with dense foliage)
AmbienceManager update tweaks
Update AmbienceEmitters from AmbienceManager so we can leave emitter scripts enabled and use OnEnable to update emitter positions when pooling
Make sure all in world ambience emitters are flagged as static
merge from /main/inv-ui-sounds
Fix InspectorFlags PropertyDrawer changing property values as soon as two objects with different values are multiselected
First pass at item pick/drop ui sounds
Bush/tree ambience tweaks
Healthbar sounds
Mavis racket/jetpack sounds
Fix special meter sounds not playing when UI is hidden/reenabled
Planting seeds doesn't sound like you're about to die anymore
Better spear throw sound
Explicitly stop AudioSource playback when disabling a Sound (FMOD error fix)
Way better melee rock impacts
SoundFade tweaks for andre
Bail early when trying to StartSound on an AmbienceEmitter that's not active in the heirarchy
Special meter sounds
Ingame text notification sounds ("great serve", etc)
Footsteps, bodyfalls, and racket sounds for Igor
Wing flap sounds for Owl
Improved footscuff sounds