userDamian Lazarskicancel

2,165 Commits over 3,044 Days - 0.03cph!

6 Years Ago
Trucks material polish
6 Years Ago
Metal_panels_a rusty variant texture Material tweaks
6 Years Ago
Added gravel prefab to the dump truck Created a second dump truck variant Split off the wheels from the main mesh Vertex blend improvements
6 Years Ago
Dump trum and digger material fixes / tweaked color of the dump truck details texture
6 Years Ago
FInished conveyor unit buildings / LODs/COL/Prefabs
6 Years Ago
Conveyor unit buildings progress
6 Years Ago
Conveyor unit buildings progress
6 Years Ago
Terrain belts/ output bucket/ belt splitter meshes/LODs/colliders/prefabs
6 Years Ago
Terrain output bucket
6 Years Ago
Terrain belts progress
6 Years Ago
Split dredge windows into separate game object / bandit town scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
Terrain belts update
6 Years Ago
Terrain belt progress
6 Years Ago
Excavator cabins. Fixed gaps
6 Years Ago
Excavator wooden cabins / meshes / LODs / prefabs
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Finished diesel engine with LODs/COL/prefab
6 Years Ago
Diesel engine progress
6 Years Ago
Diesel engine progress
6 Years Ago
Diesel engine progress
6 Years Ago
Digger vehicle / models / textures / LODs / COL / Prefab
6 Years Ago
Cargo ship / hull interior tweaks / split the interior mesh into smaller elements to help with occlusion
6 Years Ago
Coconut model, gibs and textures
6 Years Ago
Dump truck model/LOD/COL/textures/prefabs
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Added proper coliders to each floor
6 Years Ago
Added missing barrier Fixed LOD naming
6 Years Ago
Small oilrig / Fixed mesh issues / Created floor colliders
6 Years Ago
Small oilrig progress update / LODs and collider setup / split the main structure into multiple submeshes
6 Years Ago
Removed remnants of the big oilrig from the small oil rig scene
6 Years Ago
Added WIP version of the smaller oil rig Added custom normals to the interiors
6 Years Ago
Oilrig interior progress / LOD / COL
6 Years Ago
Adjusted evacuation pipes legs
6 Years Ago
Oilrig progress backup
6 Years Ago
Oilrig interiors dressing / models / texture work
6 Years Ago
HVAC exhausts LODs/prefab/COL
6 Years Ago
Oil rig exhausts prefab / LODs / COL
6 Years Ago
Oil rig evacuation pipes / LODs / COL / prefab
6 Years Ago
Evacuation pipes progress backup Made metal_panels_g texture more rusty. Added rusted blend
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Fixed normal maps on the wire tool
6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Sleigh models and textures