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Metal_panels_a rusty variant texture
Material tweaks
Added gravel prefab to the dump truck
Created a second dump truck variant
Split off the wheels from the main mesh
Vertex blend improvements
Dump trum and digger material fixes / tweaked color of the dump truck details texture
FInished conveyor unit buildings / LODs/COL/Prefabs
Conveyor unit buildings progress
Conveyor unit buildings progress
Terrain belts/ output bucket/ belt splitter
Split dredge windows into separate game object / bandit town scene2prefab
Excavator cabins. Fixed gaps
Excavator wooden cabins / meshes / LODs / prefabs
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▆▍█▇▇▍▊ ▍▊▄ ▋▇▆▇▍ ▆▄▉ ▉▌▇▅█▆▉█
Finished diesel engine with LODs/COL/prefab
Digger vehicle / models / textures / LODs / COL / Prefab
Cargo ship / hull interior tweaks / split the interior mesh into smaller elements to help with occlusion
Coconut model, gibs and textures
Dump truck model/LOD/COL/textures/prefabs
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Added proper coliders to each floor
Added missing barrier
Fixed LOD naming
Small oilrig / Fixed mesh issues / Created floor colliders
Small oilrig progress update / LODs and collider setup / split the main structure into multiple submeshes
Removed remnants of the big oilrig from the small oil rig scene
Added WIP version of the smaller oil rig
Added custom normals to the interiors
Oilrig interior progress / LOD / COL
Adjusted evacuation pipes legs
Oilrig interiors dressing / models / texture work
HVAC exhausts LODs/prefab/COL
Oil rig exhausts prefab / LODs / COL
Oil rig evacuation pipes / LODs / COL / prefab
Evacuation pipes progress backup
Made metal_panels_g texture more rusty. Added rusted blend
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Fixed normal maps on the wire tool
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█▅█▄▌▆▅▍▍ ▍▇▋▄▊▊▆ ▄▋▉▍▉▊/▌▋▇▅▄▄█▌
Sleigh models and textures