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Lowered LOD/culling distances on reeds and water lillies
Merge from swamp_tree_performance
Swamp tree atlases
Modified swamp trees to render as a single drawcall per tree
Vertex painted deck, hull and mast
Cargo ship anchor conveyor / unique textures / LODs / prefab setup
Fixed pivots on anchor conveyor and mast
Added anchors
Cargo ship hull and deck progress
Cargo ship anchor conveyor materials
Cargo ship anchor conveyor machine
Added simplified deck stairs colider
Fixed mast issues
Cargo ship container decals update
Shipping container decals
Cargo ship hull models and prefabs
Removed rigidbody from lanterns in bandit town
Bandit Town shopkeeper room dressing
Bandit Town and swamp_c scene2prefab
Cargo ship decal progress
Red pipe variant
Cargo ship prop placement progress
Cargo ship scene progress
Cargo ship hull coliders
Ladder triggers
Cargo ship hull vertex paint v2
Cargo ship hull vertex paint
Cargo ship hull progress backup
Added an additonal LOD level to wooden cabins
Removed gaps between planks on LOD2
Added static lanterns next to shopkeepers
Enabled shadow casting on LOD2 for wooden cabins only
Added batching to wooden cabins
Disabled shadows on LOD1 and LOD2 on several objects in the bandit town
Disabled particle fog
Cargo ship hull and scene progress
Changed water body coliders to cylinders
Swamp_c made splats less circular
Bandit town scene to prefab
Swamp cabins scene to prefab
Made splats around the bandit town less circular
Fix for one of the lanterns blocking the path in abandoned cabins
Updated wooden cabins
Added static metal shopfront
Fixed bigwheel being too massive
Added AddToWaterMap script to waterbodies in swamps and bandit town