userDamian Lazarskicancel

187 Commits over 2,617 Days - 0.00cph!

5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Clatter helmet mesh/textures/LODs
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Car battery / fixed rotation issues
5 Years Ago
Car battery meshes / textures
5 Years Ago
Fix roof colider issue inside the cargo ship interior
5 Years Ago
Additional bounce lights inside the hold interior
6 Years Ago
Spiderweb guide mesh
6 Years Ago
Graveyard fance gibs
6 Years Ago
Drone meshes / textures / prefabs
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Sickle meshes and textures
6 Years Ago
Cursed cauldron meshes and prefab
6 Years Ago
Swamp and bandit town scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
Lowered LOD/culling distances on reeds and water lillies
6 Years Ago
Merge from swamp_tree_performance
6 Years Ago
Removed rigidbody from lanterns in bandit town Scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
Bandit Town shopkeeper room dressing Bandit Town and swamp_c scene2prefab
6 Years Ago
Fix for one of the lanterns blocking the path in abandoned cabins
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Updated wooden cabins Added static metal shopfront
6 Years Ago
Fixed bigwheel being too massive
6 Years Ago
Added AddToWaterMap script to waterbodies in swamps and bandit town
6 Years Ago
Fixed rocking chair position in the bandit town Fixed typo in the abandoned cabins scene
6 Years Ago
Manifest update
6 Years Ago
Composter gibs
6 Years Ago
Composter mesh and textures
6 Years Ago
Watchtower gibs
6 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect prefab references in the rock_dressing scene
6 Years Ago
Updated underwater rock formation prefab and scene
6 Years Ago
Underwater rock formation test
6 Years Ago
Fixed broken lighthouse UV's
6 Years Ago
Willow bush / custom vertex normal / fixed green vertex color / rebaked billboards
6 Years Ago
Foliage polish / color corrected new foliage / added custom vertex normals / rebaked billboards
6 Years Ago
Beech and oak color tweaks / material tweaks
6 Years Ago
Fixed the tree minigame on beech trees
6 Years Ago
Tweaked LOD distances on small trees
6 Years Ago
Lightened diffuse textures on new trees / rebaked billboards
6 Years Ago
Douglas Fir / Rebaked billboards
6 Years Ago
Douglas fir / tweaked colors / rebaked billboard
6 Years Ago
Increased size of prevent building volumes in military tunnels
6 Years Ago
Fixed geometry gap in military tunnels
6 Years Ago
Adjusted maximum anisotropic filtering settings of various textures
6 Years Ago
Adjusted maximum anisotropic filtering settings for tiling textures
6 Years Ago
Door frame decor / moved pivot up by 1m
6 Years Ago
Reset scale for pipe_pile_b prefab to fix bradley getting stuck in launchsite
6 Years Ago
Ice sheets / fixed visual issues at very low graphical settings
6 Years Ago
Fixed invisible colider in harbor_1