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More checks to small rock formations
Increased radiuses on all small rock formation checks
Fixed broken collision mesh for rock_formation_huge_c
Reverted recent godrock changes to fix terrain gaps
Fixed being able to place small I/O inside rock formations
Added more anchors to all hill cliffs to prevent terrain holes
Set compression to Normal for all cliff textures
Moved TerrainHeightSet on the god rock to fix holes
Reduced river rocks density by 50 percent according to feedback
Added TerrainHeightSet to godrock to prevent it from being placed too deep in the ground as per playtest feedback
Fixed terrain hole at the bottom of hill cliffs
Fixed not being able to build on cliffs
Converted TerrainTpologySet to TerrainTopologyAdd on legacy arid formations
Allowed reeds to spawn along the rivers again
Tweaked reed scale to be more realistic
Fixed black cream material on gingerbread tunnel entrances
Tweaked wind settings on swamp trees and a few bushes
Tweaked ground plants colors slightly to better match the terrain after changes to the cubemap lighting
Tweaked ground plants, saplings and fern wind settings to work better with the CH47 wind effect
Added Deferred Mesh Decals script to fuel tank mesh in TrainWagonC prefab. This will fix the missing mesh decals
Shortened buffers on train wagons, workcart_new and their gibs
Updated train_wagon_b_gibs mesh / merged the roof and the walls
Fixed broken physics on the train wagon and workcart gibs
Fixed broken material overrides on workcart gibs
Proper gibs for train_wagon prefabs
Replaced old workcart gibs mesh
New workcart gibs / added new bogies
Slightly darkened BuildingDark, BuildingVeryDark and Building settings to compensate for contrast changes
Lowered contrast in temperate biome post process
Enabled high definition range on temperate and arid profiles
Brightened BuildingVeryDark, BuildingDark and Building environment volume types
Slightly lowered brightness transition speed between volumes
Changed gas station environment volume to BuildingDark instead of BuildingVeryDark
Removed most of the small rocks on the hill with the antenna because they were causing too many issues on certain seeds
Rotated two cliff meshes to make sure there's no holes
Deleted stray red light from arctic_base_module_b that was hidden behind shelves
Tweaked light settings of electric heaters to prevent them from bleeding through walls at night
Moved electric heaters to Default layer instead of World to stop emissive from getting picked up by cubemaps
Tweaked lights used inside portacabin_building_300_600_a, portacabin_building_900_1200_b and dome radar to stop light bleeding
Added snow material variants to a few objects placed outside that were missing it
Icicle prefab tweaks / skipped LOD0 on all icicles and switched to using LOD1 as default / added shadowproxies to all icicles / these changes should lower the tricount by roughly 2 million on highest graphical settings
Slightly moved dome radar door to close a gap
Added shadowproxies to arctic base lab modules to prevent light leaking through subpixels
Fixed another floating rock
Clipped garage door animation to make it stop when hitting the ground
Cherrypicking Vincent's garage door fix
Portacabin building texture and material tweaks
Added dedicated shadowproxy meshes in an attempt to fix light leaking at certain times of day
Removed last floating rock
Turned off train signal lights
Updated iceberg_6 fbx to fix holes on LOD1
Fixed broken specular on dead pines at low shader level
Slightly tweaked near AO to remove black spots on grass
Merge from tree_shadow_proxy_subtract to fix broken tree shadows when using flashlights
Adjusted min/max scaling on forest ferns and arctic small rock formations
Adjusted materials on arctic small rock formations to make them more visible
Made ice sheet terrain modifiers bigger to prevent dirt from getting projected on the ice meshes
Arctic foliage polish
Tweaked snow splat color/gloss to prevent snow from becoming too blue at certain times of day and reduce mismatch between snow and trees
Improved arctic biome billboards
Tweaked snow color on a bunch of other objects
Changed portacabin glass coliders to glass instead of generic