
209 Commits over 91 Days - 0.10cph!

48 Days Ago
Tweaked battering ram seat position Adjusted steering wheel min max angles, added playerModel steeringTargetDegrees
50 Days Ago
merge from main
50 Days Ago
Battering ram back door opening/closing
50 Days Ago
Battering ram cabin detailed colliders
50 Days Ago
Restored battering ram placeholder animations Steering wheel IK Better colliders
50 Days Ago
Battering ram door wip settings
50 Days Ago
Battering ram door prefab
50 Days Ago
Battering ram back door physics tests
51 Days Ago
Battering ram constructable prefab stages
51 Days Ago
Code cleanup, comments Deleted old prefabs
51 Days Ago
Ballista reloading client prediction
51 Days Ago
BallistaGun now inherits from BaseVehicleSeat and is spawned as a seat Fixes a lot of annoying issues and decouples it even more
51 Days Ago
Updated boulders ui pickup sounds Back to the generic burlap bag as dropped item prefabs for now
51 Days Ago
Boulder and explosive boulders dropped item prefabs and icons
51 Days Ago
Show catapult ammo model in the basket, based on the item loaded
51 Days Ago
Fixed battering ram jittery reverse speed
51 Days Ago
Use a flag instead, for safety
51 Days Ago
Fixed battering ram fire button working only once on the client
52 Days Ago
merge from siege_weapons/horses
52 Days Ago
merge from main
52 Days Ago
Ballista aiming clientside prediction, feels way better with high latency
52 Days Ago
Better client prediction for the ballista controls (still wip)
53 Days Ago
merge from main
53 Days Ago
Fixed deployable spawning with the wrong health (introduced by 106680)
53 Days Ago
Ballista and battering ram deployable prefab tweaks
53 Days Ago
Siege tower deployable prefab tweaks
53 Days Ago
Fixed player stuck in slow state if the siege weapon pulled has been destroyed Reduced the max distance before releasing the pulling
54 Days Ago
Easier to target catapult ammo storage Increased reload time
54 Days Ago
Improved catapult deployable prefab sockets Easier to deploy on uneven terrain
54 Days Ago
merge from main
54 Days Ago
- Make sure to cancel pulling if the pulling player dies or is disconnected - Additional server side checks - Added pulling speed modifiers on ballista and siege tower
54 Days Ago
Decreased catapult fire recoil force when the handbrake is off
54 Days Ago
merge from siege_weapons/speedmod
54 Days Ago
Better catapult colliders
54 Days Ago
Fixed constructable entities health mismatch between client and server
54 Days Ago
Compile fixes
54 Days Ago
merge from main
54 Days Ago
Added a system to slowly move and rotate siege weapon in place using physics Enabled on catapult, ballista and siege tower
55 Days Ago
Rough ballista, catapult and battering ram crafting cost balacing
55 Days Ago
Can't push siege weapons when standing on it
57 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
merge from main
58 Days Ago
Added a system to show different gameobject based on whats loaded in the ballista magazine Set up a different placeholder model for each spear ammo item Fixed some client loading issue
58 Days Ago
Added a power bar to show the ballista reload progress Fixed issues when reloading with no compatible ammo in your inventory Code cleanup
58 Days Ago
Added Ballista item and constructable prefabs
58 Days Ago
Ballista reloading cleanup Restored ammo switching Some client anim fixes
58 Days Ago
Changed the ballista reloading to a hold R to reload system
59 Days Ago
Added TowConfig to ballista Prevent mounting and dismount any mounted player when towed
59 Days Ago
Switched ballista mounted anim to standing Added placeholder hand IK (looks painful)
59 Days Ago
Cancel ballista reloading when unmounting mid-reload Reduced turning speed