244,596 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.61cph!
Temporary fix for resource file updates not triggering a rebuild with make.
Temporary fix for resource file updates not triggering a rebuild with make.
Fixed a mistake in premake5.lua that apparently didn't break anything somehow.
Fixed a mistake in premake5.lua that apparently didn't break anything somehow.
Improved the distant texture scaling on terrain. Aka. no more massive ground textures.
Updated premake5 script to automatically detect platforms.
Updated premake5 script to automatically detect platforms.
Moved GameAPI.BudgetBoy (because why the hell not)
Moved GameAPI.BudgetBoy (because why the hell not)
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting
Mesh() now accepts a material as its first argument, should be the material the mesh is intended to be rendered with
Started implementing NWVar2 proxies
Split solution into groups.
Split solution into groups.
Fixed unreliable API assembly resolution.
Fixed unreliable API assembly resolution.
Reimported all terrain normal+height maps
Added all of the variables to Mazing Player state Save/Load
Added all of the variables to Mazing Player state Save/Load
Started adding state saving and loading to Mazing. AttractStage and MenuStage done.
Started adding state saving and loading to Mazing. AttractStage and MenuStage done.
Apparently Jurassic is fixed to work with Mono now.
Apparently Jurassic is fixed to work with Mono now.
Killed the last walking tree.
attack / holster animations for the salvaged_hammer
Updated premake5 script to allow the use of unsafe code in Jurassic.
Updated premake5 script to allow the use of unsafe code in Jurassic.
Fixed unreliability of paused games.
Fixed unreliability of paused games.
Added ragdoll testing scene
Going home.
In the middle of updating to add calls to road vertex so that they also update.
Tangents could do with being changed a bit especially around intersections.
Fix for assemblies not being resolved within unity.
Fix for assemblies not being resolved within unity.
Leaving game sends the last frame data. Recompiled Bolt to increase event byte array limit from 256 to 800. Added missing icons.
Leaving game sends the last frame data. Recompiled Bolt to increase event byte array limit from 256 to 800. Added missing icons.
Tweaked forest clutter to form nicer clusters
Refactored game packaging / loading to resolve assemblies automatically.
Refactored game packaging / loading to resolve assemblies automatically.
Build Settings are now loaded for subscenes automatically and forwarded into GameScreen, even in built runtimes.
Re arranged some the arc code and selectable stuff.
Can now split arcs.
Can now split road section