19,643 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Sentry release action only works on linux 🙄
Sentry release support
Fix NRE when creating party
Fixed Entity RemoveFromLists errors on bad disconnect
Fixed trying to join your own game from the lobby
scss supports darken, lighten, invert, mix
lobby bar tweaks
Remove lobby header buttons
Queue lobby queries
Only be in one staging lobby at a time
Enforce minimum players
Add ignored files
Delete .gitignore
Remove game submodule
Delete game
add game
Joined lobbies in task bar
Add number.Plural( x, xs )
Whitelist CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder
Youtube style game layout
▇▊█▆▄▌█ ▋▇▌▇ ▅▇█▆▍ ▋▇ ▌▉▌▌▉▅▄ ▍▇▆▅▅ █▇██▄▊▍ █▋▌▅
Shader compile optimizations
Vis Updates
Merge branch 'engine'
Join game when lobby owner starts game
Dispose lobby when leaving
ReadAllText returns null if file not found
Fix some console tab sheets not having a background
Show stack trace entries even if they don't have file and line
Game lobby boilerplate
Whitelist System.Threading.Tasks.Task.get_IsCompleted
Template panel events can take "event" or "value" arguments
Template events can fire events `onclick.event="onpressed"`
Lobby supports chat messages
Fixed steam lobby chat messages having bullshit on the end
Add GameType to GameConfig
Server can use the client created lobby
Matchmake mode placeholder
Stop trying to load these fonts
Remove unsed param in Package.InitializeCache
Bootstrap group timing tweaks to diagnose deck freeze
Fixed many prediction errors
Dev options for fakelag, showerror
Automatically switch net_usesocketsforloopback to 1 when setting net_fakelag > 0, remember values
remember cl_showerror value
Strip unused code
Flush network data after player simulate on server
Managed prediction errors show server and predicted values
Remove unused code
delete playercommandqueue
delete playercommandqueue
Update Time.Tick to the correct value for simulations 😕
RestorePredictedValues for Render
Prediction tweaks
Fix for sbox-issues/issues/1044
Complain if trying to [Net] an EntityComponent
Added [BindComponent]
Fix error spinning forever on map load fail
Fixed OnComponentAdded, OnComponentRemoved not being called
Component Enabled state is networked, added OnActivate, OnDeactivate
Fix client not reading all variables
Cleaned up entity list filters
Changed when client creates network tables