19,644 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Lets force langversion so everyone is on the same page
Tweak EntityHandle to be one off
Remove duplicate extralight font weight
Initialize EntityHandle to -1
Text shader tweaks
Text rendering test
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
If the API is returning rubbish, don't ignore it
Don't ignore local variables !
Use component to change glow
Extra UnobservedTask logging
Null check that entity
Can edit enums in the inspector
Fixed crash when parenting to a deleted entity
Steamworks update
Added Global.IsRunningOnHandheld
Added Client.Components
Added Glow component
SteamPort isn't used anymore here
Create .editorconfig
Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Steamworks
Fix TextFilteringContext not getting exposed
Update to Steamworks 152
Update fixes
Added SteamUGC.ShowWorkshopEula()
Added SteamUGC.GetWorkshopEulaStatus()
Added SteamUtils.IsRunningOnSteamDeck
Added SteamUtils.SetGameLauncherMode
Adjusted uploading progress bar so it doesn't jump back after finishing uploading content.
Merge pull request #588 from rtsonneveld/master
Adjusted uploading progress bar so it doesn't jump back
Update Facepunch.Steamworks.Win64.csproj
Update Facepunch.Steamworks.Win32.csproj
Merge pull request #520 from PhyxionNL/master
Fix NuGet package generation
Added support for FilterText
Updated Generator to be in line with expected generated code
Remove uint from InitFilterText call
FilterText now returns the filtered string instead of the number of filtered characters
Merge pull request #514 from Noek1993/master
Added support for FilterText
we HATE the garbage collector
Merge pull request #558 from bobbahbrown/we-hate-gc
Fix GC race condition in sending packets causing crash from steamworks
RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t, RemoteStoragePublishedFileUnsubscribed_t, ItemInstalled_t callbacks
Merge pull request #560 from dozd/master
RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t and RemoteStoragePublishedFile…
Fixed native memory buffers allocated by Helpers.TakeMemory being overshared when more than 4 simultaneous tasks call it
Updated Generator to use disposable TakeMemory correctly
Merge pull request #592 from juanjp600/helpers-takememory-fix
Fixed race condition caused by too many tasks using Helpers.TakeMemory simultaneously
Migrated .Net Framework projects to .NET, retargeted projects for netstandard2.1 and/or net6.0 where appropriate, upgraded language level to latest for use with .NET 6
Update README.md
Update dotnetcore.yml
Update dotnetcore.yml
Update dotnetcore.yml
Update dotnetcore.yml
Remove unused
Merge pull request #595 from Crytilis/master
Migrated .NET Framework and upgraded projects in anticipation of NET6
Fixed another hotload exception
Fixed Entity.Name not being immediately available
Fixed ClientRPC crazyness
Fix for sbox-issues/issues/976
Fix for sbox-issues/issues/978
Component Add/Remove
Added Components.Get, TryGet
Add Components.GetAll<T>
Add Components.GetOrCreate<T>()
Make Event system more resilient to registering/unregistering events during an event
Added Component.Enabled
Components.Get<T> - T doesn't have to be a component (makes interfaces work)
Simplifying network data, can have lists in Network classes, and Network classes in Network classes
Remove bullshit from NetRead
Support [Net] nullables
Make networking classes a tiny bit more generic
Components are networked properly
Merge branch 'master' into components
Store a game assembly hash, only read network data if assembly hash matches
Don't clear embedded var values on hot reload
UpdateHash after server compile
BuildNetworkTable cleanup
Refactoring cleanup
Re-implemented change callbacks, [OnChangedCallback] becomes [Change], can specify callback name
Edge case
Network variables are read when changed
Merge branch 'components'
Network variables are read when changed
Re-implemented change callbacks, [OnChangedCallback] becomes [Change], can specify callback name
Edge case
UpdateHash after server compile
BuildNetworkTable cleanup
Refactoring cleanup
Store a game assembly hash, only read network data if assembly hash matches
Don't clear embedded var values on hot reload
ModelDoc: Warn if model has too many bodygroups
Make tag list editor in Hammer take less space per tag
Added Tags field to all entities in Hammer
Restore other Hierarchy properties in FGD autogen and do not duplicate then for every entity, use baseclasses instead
Support for basic arrays in asset autofgd
Fix Render.DrawScene exception returns wrong image format
Added support for IList, List, IReadOnlyCollection to Asset autoFGD
Added support for TagList in assets
Added MathX.Remap
Added curve support to custom Entity properties via FGDCurve class
Merge branch 'master' into components
Components are networked properly
Support [Net] nullables
Make networking classes a tiny bit more generic
Remove bullshit from NetRead
Simplifying network data, can have lists in Network classes, and Network classes in Network classes
Added Components.Get, TryGet
Add Components.GetAll<T>
Add Components.GetOrCreate<T>()
Make Event system more resilient to registering/unregistering events during an event
Added Component.Enabled
Components.Get<T> - T doesn't have to be a component (makes interfaces work)
Cleaned Entity constructor, readonly accessors
Call frame event after RenderGameSystem so we can override SceneObject params on ModelEntity etc
Fix internal IsVrUser not working
Change EntityName to Name
Entity.EntityName becomes Entity.Name, is networked properly, has default value
This might fix sbox-issues/issues/950
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add Render.UI.Text( ... )
Add Texture.Size
RenderState can be readonly
Add Render.UI.Clip
Remove performance rcon
Fix spammy TextManager
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Remove ITagList, TagList is a HashSet<string>
I don't think this line in the text shader is doing anything good
Better No Authority exception
I see improved performance with this disabled. Maybe we're doing something wrong - why has resource system got pending work all the time?
Added Vector4.Zero, One and constructor to create via float
Added Render.UI.Box, Render.UI.BoxWithBorder
Don't do scrolling logic if not a scroller
I don't think this TaskGroup stuff is useful in reality
Vector3.ToScreen calls into client realm if called from menu
more IEntity properties
Added BBox.Corners
Added Rect.Add( Vector3 )
Disable Entity is too far from world AssertMsg
Merge branch 'master' of sbox