19,644 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Fix ConVarRef warnings
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Move TabContainer to base
Move SplitContainer to base
Update to 6.0.0-rc.1.21451.13
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
AccessControl unit tests
AccessControl.CheckRules is around 625x faster
ReflectionCache builder is 14x faster
Do a proper error if steam init failed, instead of crashing further down the line
More IPanel properties
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add and remove child panels from tree live
Can select panels from the game window
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Add IPanel.IsMainMenu, IPanel.IsGame
More IPanel properties
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Allow selection of RootPanels in console
TabControl takes a cookie, remembers which tab it was on between sessions
PanelTree inspector
Update PerformanceChartWidget.cs
Move IEntity to Internal
Add IPanel
Panel.ChildCount becomes ChildrenCount
Can access root IPanel's from menu
Steamworks SDK no longer defines QUERY_PORT_ERROR
Fix startup delay
Update steam_api64.dll
"move" cursor
Fixed Screen.Size not being available immediately
Developer widgets
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Added move_z, wish_z to citizen anim params
Fix caps sensitivity in RemoveClass, HasClass
Add IEntity.IsOwnedByLocalClient
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Entity list filtering
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Add Panel.FindPopupPanel()
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update RenderScene.cs
Splitter drag sounds
Converted console into tabs
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Do Panel.PreLayout in tasks
PropertyBind swallow errors, try to convert to appropriate type
Remove GetTextBlock from PanelRenderer
Browsable attributes for panel
Throw exception if trying to Material.Load on render thread
Stack trace handle message properly
Round measure text up to int
StyleSelector HasClasses speedup
Skip transitions on screen size change
Fixed text not invalidating layout when changing size
Cursor ew-resize, ns-resize
Throw an exception if parenting a panel to itself
Add template slot system
Dirty the layout when text changes
use DataSource.Property in form
Make dormant entities faint
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
YogaWrapper, don't set variables that aren't changed
TextBlock optimized emptry string behaviour
Add DebugName to BaseDataSource
Don't update binds every frame
Don't update binds if panel not visible
Only update yoga when styles change
Update performance stats
Cache layout rect, margin, padding
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added UI.DataSource.Property
Added UISystem.Simulate
Performance layouts
Add Client.IsListenServerHost
Entity list sorting fudge
Splitting test solution
Update test packages
Panel performance tests
Update children indexes on prelayout, instead of every time a child is added/removed
HashSet for children
Library.GetAttribute( type ) use concurrentdictionary instead of linq, lock
Fix EngineFileSystem shutdown exceptions
FgdWriter don't put base class name
Glow Property color is a vector instead of a color
ObjectProperty doesn't go crazy if property isn't gettable
Reflection.GetProperties returns actual properties
LogEvent fields to properties
Throw error message popup if menu doesn't compile on boot
Add System.ComponentModel.Primitives for addons
Decorate some properties for inspector
Added IValid interface
More property tagging
LogEvent use StackTrace editor
RenderAlpha and RenderColorAndAlpha are obsolete, RenderColor is a Color instead of a Color32
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Watermelon health
Allow reflection access
Allow System.Reflection.BindingFlags
Inspector uses PropertyInfo directly rather than PropertyAttribute wrapper
Dropdown option constructor
Allow System.ComponentModel access
Entity property sheet wip
Inspector handles IValid becoming invalid
Inspector ordering
Select client entity too
Support for named [Editor] attributes
Fix console status bar shrinking
Fix for RenderColor changes
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Update base.fgd
ticket machine self illum test
shader rebuild
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
Engine EntityRegistry, tweaks to make adding/removing ents to/from lists reliable
Addon accessor
ToYoga optimization
Entity Registry as list
IEntity for cross realm entity interaction
Lets not print all this shit when we do ent_bbox
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed GridLayout not updating when panel resized
Entity List in console
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game