19,638 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Don't run stepper unless we're walking
Snap velocity to travel direction
Disable collision sounds
Make player feet super frictiony
Add g_tint to gizmo line shader
Only rebuild colliders when they need it
Add .sbox to ignore
Update scenes
Physical character controller tests https://files.facepunch.com/424f0b37-e705-4802-87cb-f51c3bab46e6.mp4
Clear out null components on hotload
Add RigidBody version of Sweep to Scene.Trace
Fix LaunchArguments.Map not working
Don't submit package exceptions in the editor
Fixed dedicated server console
No api for dedicated server
Create Run-DedicatedServer.bat
Fixed couldn't connect to ip based servers
Fixed couldn't read messages from dedicated server, because we didn't think they were the host
dedicated server doesn't try to play sounds
Searchable tags for is a package has achievements, is vr only etc
Fixed card videos
Move the decorators off the card, into the meta section
Find query optimizations
Clena up package card a bit
Fix skip not working in FindPackage
Better package list
Clean pagnation
PackageList sets url
Explicitly define the default sort order
Fixed filter by facet not working
Legacy leaderboard uses new database
Api update
Fix triggerteleport NRE
Add GameObject.GetLocalBounds()
Add GameObject.WorldTransform, WorldPosition, WorldRotation, WorldScale
Add Component.WorldTransform, WorldScale, WorldPosition, WorldRotation
Mark Transform.LocalPosition, LocalScale, LocalRotation, Scale obsolete
Mark .Transform.Rotation obsolete now .WorldRotation
Mark .Transform.Position obsolete, now WorldPosition
Unlock stat based map achievements
Walker map project template
Fix exception when loading map, causing them to not be able to unload
GameObject,GetBounds() works with MeshComponent
Add CanPress to IPressable
Button auto-reset works, Add OnStateChanged
Crosshair tooltips
Update FuncButton
Update .gitignore
Player can pick up and drop
vdf FileExclusion is probably case sensitive because why not
Add ISceneEvent<T>.PostToGameObject - to target specific GameObjects with an event
Add IGameObjectNetworkEvents - https://docs.facepunch.com/s/sbox-dev/doc/igameobjectnetworkevents-fj9F6GvG5S
Tweak Rigdbody networking, so that when it works it will work
Fixed shipping source to all the citizen clothes unnecessarily
Tweak build script to make sure everything uses Release mode
Don't use MapStartupScene when loading a Scene Map, we can load it directly
Fix warning breaking build
Maps can have stats, achievements, leaderboards
prop_physics from maps are fully networked
We don't need to load the scene on the joining client
Add Application.ClearGame
Add Application.MapPackage
Add SceneNode to more easily check if we're the owner of a GameObject
Add achievement/stats apis for maps
Fix NRE in ToClipboardString
Expose more stats/achievements stuff to ag
Expose GameObject.PlaySound, StopAllSounds to ActionGraph
Add SoundHandle.FollowParent, LocalTransform, ClearParent
Add SoundHandle.SetParent( GameObject )
Add GameObject.PlaySound, GameObject.StopAllSounds
Don't need to run sound Occlusion tests every frame
Add LocalTransform accessors
Switch everything to use LocalTransform, LocalPosition, LocalRotation, LocalScale
UI shaders accept D_NO_ZTEST
Refresh editor handles on hotload
Gizmo.Draw.WorldText obeys IgnoreDepth
[EditorHandle] can be a material icon or emoji https://files.facepunch.com/80a96818-668f-4562-9ef6-3311aaa49ba7.png
Remove unused
Player using
GameManager uses ISceneStartup
Player implements IDamagable
Add TriggerHurt
PlayerUse uses new IPressable
Update SceneMap
Add FuncButton
Add Tags to DamageInfo
Add Component.IPressable
Add GetComponent , AdComponent etc
Update PackageDto.cs
CreateLobby will refuse to create a lobby if we already have a network system
Add ISceneStartup event (https://docs.facepunch.com/s/sbox-dev/doc/iscenestartup-UaHEQHresW)