19,641 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Clean up step, fixed bugs
Fix becoming ungrounded when standing close to a slanted surface
Fix ungrounding when ducking under something
Enable CollisionUpdateEventsEnabled on PhysicalCharacterController Body
Cleanup DebugDrawSystem
Add ballpit
RigidBody.CollisionUpdateEventsEnabled is disabled by default
PhysicalCharacterController : Auto create all components, auto hide them
Tweak pressure/gib calcs
Conveyor hack
Apply EnableTouchPersists on collider shape create
Tweak MassOverride to not call MakeDirty
Dynamic and managed scene objects draw bounds properly
Fixed TextBlock adding margins when it didn't need to
TextRenderer GameObject gets bounds (so draws in the correct order)
Reduce velocity when stepping down, to avoid gravity turning us into a rocket
Push, Crush, Platform demos
Fixed blendmode multiply not alpha blending
Remove nulls in updateComponents (prevents NREs when hotloading)
Add "Position Absolute" to gameobject flag selector
TextRenderer uses TextScope (outlines, shadows, letter spacing, italic)
Change mass center when not grounded
Add skidding
Can jump out of water
Ladder climbing
Add vector3.InverseLerp
Add Collider.FindClosestPoint( p )
Sometimes ManifoldPoint->Impulse is nan, I don't know if that's expected
Add Rigidbody.Touching - which returns a list of triggers that it's currently touching
Prevent leaving triggers early when you have multiple colliders - I don't enjoy the amount of complexity this adds
This conveyor isn't perfect, we're exploring
Jump clamping
DebugDraw text
Explode the player on high pressure
Add impulse to PhysicsContact
EnableTouchPersists default to true on Rigidbody
Api section
Fixed news front page
Contests own section
Style fixes
News api
Rethrow KustoClientRequestCanceledByUserException as TaskCanceledException
Fix ratingservice not disposing kusto query
Fix NREs
Fix admin link showing
Comments and Ratings are modules
Fix missing components
Community news on dashboard
Achievement list
Oops, put these back
Fix timer not working
Move notification service
Move layout to its own project
Dashboard in its own project
Move package card
Move the rest of home
limit feed first plays to games
News on dash
Old newsposts
Platform news pagnation
Dashboard org list
News section update, this looks worse, but it's actually better
Fix faceted search not working
Fix LatestPlayed being totally wrong
Name links are a component, keep it consistent
DailyUsers and DailySeconds - not used anywhere, waste of space
Pass CancellationToken down to kusto
Player API
Ugly stats
Update package totals periodically
Getting package type list is faster
Move contest settings
Package type list
Can edit package types
Link to steam profile, show gamerscore on profile
User page titles
Profile pages use custom urls from Steam
Can hide public profile (follows steam)
Comments link to user page
User achievements page
New package type
We no longer use the PackageType enum - because it's too rigid. Package types are all lowercase string comparisons now.
Asset package type doesn't exist anymore
Update service api
Use new apis, partial obsolete old PackageType enum
Fix obsoletes
Remove GameAssetType from upload
Moving PackageTypes to table
Delete AssetType enum
Fix facets
Use PackageType from database instead of old PackageType
Rename old to LegacyPackageType
Rename new to PackageType
We can fully remove BlockEd and Richish now
Move ApiDock to Kusto
TableStorage deleted
Api changes page
ApiReference redirects to correct page if url is wrong
We can fully remove BlockEd and Richish now
Move ApiDock to Kusto
TableStorage deleted
Api changes page
ApiReference redirects to correct page if url is wrong
Don't write every edit to c:\\temp\\brix.json
Actually save when editing news blocks
Make spacing match editor better
Don't render big open spaces
Use new physics callbacks