19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Added SteamUserStats.RequestGlobalStats
Fix for InvetoryDef Properties
Otherwise we get error in `_properties[name] = vl;` as name is null. GetProperty(null) is called to get list of keys as string. I guess separate method would be cleaner but I'm keeping this example to minimum (or im too lazy).
Merge pull request #326 from kamyker/kamyker-patch-2
Fix for InvetoryDef Properties
Added bool parameter Active to event OnGameOverlayActivated to pass it from GameOverlayActivated_t.
Updated OnGameOverlayActivated.
Updated to OnGameOverlayActivated?.Invoke( x.Active != 0 ) )
Merge branch 'master' into master
Merge pull request #368 from mkracik/master
Added bool parameter Active to event OnGameOverlayActivated
added EntryCount to Leaderboard
fixed indent for EntryCount
Merge pull request #373 from matt-bcs/master
Added EntryCount to Leaderboard
32bit now supported again
Steamworks 1.48
Updated generator to use flat files
Latest Generated
Updated Implementation to use flat api
Updated tests
Sdk 1.48
Library latests
Update test libraries
Page links don't worry about case to mark missing etc
ambig tags
Fixed block parsing errors not Error++
Try to get summary as plain text
Fixed "render" page not working
RawValue fix
ElementValue now gets the unchanged raw value instead of innerHtml
No void return for Lua functions
Fixed sidebar not always regenerating
Switched callbacks to dispatch system
Do Callbacks
RequestEncryptedAppTicketAsync will return null on subsequent calls if they're too often
structs can have embedded enums
No need for const removal
Extract WriteEnum
convert _t values
flat_name becomes methodname_flat
Update steam_api.json
Overloaded functions no longer named differently
plain uint arrays
SteamDatagramHostedAddress is generated
RequestUGCDetails fix
Fill doesn't exist
Shorten SteamNetworkingConfigValue, SteamNetworkingConfigDataType
Make PingLocation public
Trim _ from enum values
Make ConnectionState public
Remove old ConnectionState
Force pOutMessageNumber to be a ref
SteamNetworkingConfigScope -> NetConfigScope
SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t => NetKeyValue
Restore networking interfaces
SteamIPAddress takeover
New accessor system
Use method.desc
Set calling conventions
Remove GLobalFunctions.cs
Fixup tests to work on 32bit
CallbackResult - stall for now
Custom enums
New dispatch system
Removed unused
Fixed GetFileDetails test
try to extract exception information
Output bundle item info as useful json
Try to parse event adding
Add layla to developer list
Can copy/paste images into edit
Don't include number of reports on ban shit on twitter
Find in global class if previous isn't . or :
enum styles
Prediction function warning
Summary, Syntax - member lists on type pages
Cache pages download to disk for faster startup (mainly when testing)
Tag functions
c# highlighting improvements
Don't upload these files
Update .gitignore
Example function linking poc
TimeAgo fixes
More recent changes