userGarry Newmancancel

18,285 Commits over 3,684 Days - 0.21cph!

8 Months Ago
Fix stats not being recorded if package name had an underscore (fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3922)
8 Months Ago
Remove Panel Template system (has been marked obsolete for long enough) Fix warnings Add some safety nets around HeavyGarbageRegion
8 Months Ago
More issue templates
8 Months Ago
Isolate Sandbox.Bind to tools
8 Months Ago
Fix compile errors in latest MSVC Removed BindSystem from Game (still in tools - let me know if you object strongly)
8 Months Ago
▆▆▇▄▆▄ ▋▌▄▄▊▉ ▌▊▅▄▆▊▋
8 Months Ago
▍██▅▉ ▋▅▆█▇█▊█▇▆ ▍▊ ▋▋▆ ▍▍▄ █▊▍▅/▇▆▌▇▌▌▅ ▍▍ ▇▅▊▇▋▆▊ ▋▋▇█▌▅▇
8 Months Ago
Initial commit
8 Months Ago
Add convenience functions
8 Months Ago
▇▇▊▄ ▊▋▇▆▉▉▋ ▍▍▌ █▍▉
8 Months Ago
▇▊▉ ▅▆▊ ▄▋▊▄▋▍ ▅▍▇▉
8 Months Ago
▉▌▉▇█ ▆▆▅▄▆▆ ▌▅▅▆ ██▉▄▍▄▆▌▉ ▋█▉▆▊▉▆▄ ▊▊▄▇▊ ▆▇▆▊▊▇▍▅▉ ▄▍ ▇█▋ ▋▋█▆▇▍, ▍▉▄ ▊▄▉▉▄▆▅█▅▍
8 Months Ago
▋█▄ ▅▊▅ ▉▊▆▋▅▄▌▇▋▄▅▆▊ ▅▄ ▉▇▆▇▋▊▍
8 Months Ago
█▊▇▌▄ ▇▆▄▅ ▌█▌
8 Months Ago
▆▇▌ ▅██▊▄▆▍▉▊▊▄█ ▉▋▄▆ ▋▆▋▇▅ ▊▉▅▋▍▌▌
8 Months Ago
▍▆▄▆▅▅ ▇▍█▋ ▆▊▄▋▊▋▌▇▌▆▇ ▆▍▆▆▉▅ ▄▄▉▊▍▆▋▌▆▌▌▅▆▅▌▌▉▍▊▌▄▋▌▄ ▉▄█▊▊ ▆▋▍▊▄▆▍▍▄▇█▇▍
8 Months Ago
▋█▉▆ ▍▉█▌▇▊▄▅▊, ▋▄▉▊▊▆ ▇▇▆▇▄▊█ ▌▇▄▊▉
8 Months Ago
▊▅▄▍▊▊ ▆▆▆▇▊ ▊▉▋▉▍ ▅▅▉▊▄▅▅▇, ▅█▇▌▅█▆ ▉▋▊ ▌▍▍▍▄ █▊▊█▊ ▄▇▄▅
8 Months Ago
▌▋▉▋▌▉▉ ▋█▌▊▍▅ ▍▄▉▌ ▌▅▌▄, █▊▄▋▋ █▉▍█▋▉▋▆ ▊▆▉▋▉▍▅ █▌▍▅▄▍▍▆▊
9 Months Ago
Limit organization creation Fix page titles
9 Months Ago
Fix MapSelectionButton NRE
9 Months Ago
Menu resources
9 Months Ago
Implement Create Game
9 Months Ago
Add Server List Let people set the player count, server name
9 Months Ago
Don't try to inject razor file error locations unless we're the game Create Game Modal We don't need saved games in the default menu Auto height the create game dialog
9 Months Ago
I'm not sure why this was compiling in game Razor doesn't like this Loading screen
9 Months Ago
Fix error in AssignEntityPointers Add Cloud.Asset (returns string path of cloud asset)
9 Months Ago
Main menu wip
9 Months Ago
Update project Fix stylesheet paths
9 Months Ago
Update splash
9 Months Ago
Default game menu uses modal server list
9 Months Ago
Add server list modal, for those that don't want to implement their own
9 Months Ago
Remove debug spam Added new menu modal system Move over simple package selection modal
9 Months Ago
Show the bounds nicer Remove unused Convert root HUD to razor NameTag uses razor
9 Months Ago
Run game menu shutdown at the end of the tick, should stop logic leaking from running inside tick
9 Months Ago
Daily charts test
9 Months Ago
Fix mouse snapping back when in relative mode
9 Months Ago
Tweak auth api
9 Months Ago
Add Auth token service Test new api url
9 Months Ago
Auth Token api
9 Months Ago
Fix Widget.GetChildren shitting the bed if more than 512 children
9 Months Ago
Fix escape getting called twice Add Game.Disconnect() - to leave the current game session and return to the game menu
9 Months Ago
Tweak stats flushing logic Added BaseGameManager.OnEscapePressed() Add Cloud.ParticleSystem, Cloud.SoundEvent, Cloud.Shader Put developer preview in a few places so people don't think it's a finished game
9 Months Ago
Restrict people doing dumb stuff like flushing the stats after ever increment Increase time between stat refreshes
9 Months Ago
Properly dispose of all kusto query results
9 Months Ago
Stats page speedup
9 Months Ago
Popup system clean Package report dialog
9 Months Ago
Actually use the materialized views Add concurrent users to package insights
9 Months Ago
Add CCU chart Package insights
9 Months Ago
Don't bother with cache headers UpdateSearch doesn't need to be ran as often Speed up package stats kusto query Comment fix