19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Add trigger to trace scene
Should fix errors when a GameObject is marked as no save
Fix MaximumWidth/Height swap
Change vmdl_c to vmdl in Model.Load
Convert ITags to an abstract class
Rewrote Qt widget layout implementation so that SizeMode works and makes more sense
Recover the scene camera if its position is NaN
Add ITagSet.HasAny, HasAll that take ITagSet
Added GameTags.Flush - to manually update the flags instead of waiting for the next frame callback
Fix warning
Add missing methods to TagSet, GameTags
Properly hide GameObjectFlags.Hidden in gameobject tree
Remove unused
Fix scene warnings
Remove Camera class
Fix documentation
ComponetList uses component.Active instead of component.Enabled to determine active status
Remove debug logs
Fix interopsystem convar names
Fix crash when rendering to pixmap
Traces don't hit triggers by default, need to explicitly request it to hit triggers. Ripped out a bunch of unused stuff.
RenderToPixmap is a shit load faster
Remove redundant CToolsRenderScope
Fix component context menus being modal, not preventing gameobject context menu popup
Fix component "paste values" not working
Fix TreeView being empty when scroll forced to top due to item changes
Automatically mark BaseItemWidget dirty after a drag and drop (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4374)
InteropGen - assert to make sure accessor's a not null
Remove SceneCamera.IsMainCamera
Add Scene.Camera (returns best, mainest camera)
Add Scene.Camera unit test
Added CameraComponent.PointToScreenNormal, PointToScreenPixels, ScreenPixelToRay, ScreenNormalToRay
Make stuff use Scene.Camera instead of Camera.Main
Remove some Camera members
Remove some functions from Screen
Compile fix
Switch to map if already loaded
Initial commit
Initial commit
use facepunch.walker as maplist game
Don't load any game addons during editor startup
Add Preferences class with sensitivity and fov
Input uses sensitivity preference
CharacterController uses SceneTrace, added GroundObject, GroundCollider, TraceDirection( dir ), added auto IgnoreGameObjectHierarchy
CharacterControllerHelper uses SceneTrace
Link to new documentation on the welcome screen
Fix CitizenAnimationHelper NRE's
Handle func_brush creation
Handle prop_physics etc
Framing a GameObject switches to SceneView
Add GameObjectFlags.Deserializing when deserializing
Fix performance hit by setting SceneObject properties unnecessarily
Only draw envmap bbox when selected
Scene.GetAllComponents<T> can find interfaces
Use GetAllComponents where we were doing recursive ActiveScene.Components.GetAll
Removed SceneObject.Angles (Rotation works exactly the same)
Don't render game view when not visible (fixed)
Add InitializeFromLegacy for SkyBox2D
Add InitializeFromLegacy for VolumetricFogVolume
Add InitializeFromLegacy for EnvmapProbe
Handle env_combined_light_probe_volume
Guard unnessecary transform change in managed instead of native
Add launcher tag if using launchMode Launcher
Smaller PackageCard
Add Maps List
Fix hitbox GameObject weirdness
Don't trim Label content
Add Button.Disabled
Delete FormGroup.razor
Clean CreateGameModal (refactoring to Launcher)
Add Launcher to project Launch mode
Move UpdateAmbientOcclusionProxy from SceneObject_PostFlagsUpdate, was causing asserts
Don't change SceneObject transform if it didn't change
Don't render GameView when it's not visible (in editor)
Put CubemapFog and Tonemapping in Post Processing category
Menu close the game properly
Add Game.Close() - properly clears launch params
Only mount projects in editor mode
Fix not always finding the map from a map package
Fix StartupResources being filled with duplicates
Show Launch With Map.. option
Use map launch startup scene
MenuPanel.Open oipens in the right place
Start using webpanel for modals
Game doesn't try to put cursor into UI mode if the game isn't playing
Update SceneCamera from Component as part of the render
Fix map loading stripping off path
Reduce shader compile spam (add -robot)
MapCollider's physics body will resolve to component
Fix NRE in scene trace filter
Add GameObject.IsRoot, GameObject.Root