19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Use new CitizenAnimationHelper
Setting GameObject.Parent = null is the same as GameObject.Parent = GameObject.Scene (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4225)
Add alias to CitizenAnimationHelper for backwards compatibility
Rename the rest of the colliders, make gizmo drawing consistent
Add CitizenAnimationHelper component to base addon
ColliderSphereComponent is SphereCollider , has Center, Sphere gizmo keeps uniform scale which represents the actual collider
Add Scene.SharedTick
Order ComponentSheet by file and line
Fix componentsheet spacing inconsistencies
Add BBox.Extents
ColliderBoxComponent becomes BoxCollider, has Center property
Rigidbody Colliders get rebuilt when scale changes too
Tick NetworkSystemManager from GameMenu, so Time.Now is scoped and we can process everything before the first render
Network heartbeats keep scene time in sync
Throw a more useful exception when RPC call fails
ObjectUpdateMsg sends server time
Add BytePack support for bool (!)
Scene.EditorTick only changes scene time if it's an editor scene
Panels use RealTime for transitions (but I changed the code so we can let them choose their timescale at some point)
Loading screen cleanup, put on menu overlay layer
Added GameLoadingFlags, so we can avoid doing some thing when loading a game when joining a server
Join lobby when playing game, if one exists (temporary, should be game choice)
Fixed exception when joining a server
Fixed version date parsing
Remove IMenuDll.IsGameMenuVisible
Version overlay
Set api version on lobbies so they can be ignored easily
IGameMenu to IGameInstance
Strip lobby stuff from GameInstance
Strip unused
Remove Game.Menu
Internal cleanup
Remove GameMenuContainer
Don't use hacky GameScreen /game/ navigation shit for game instance
Set game/dev status on steam lobby
If we're a development host then don't load package assemblies at all
Add INetworkListener.OnBecameHost
Remove "red", "white" from all the icons
Add NetworkHelper component
Remove obsolete
GameTransform just return localposition if GameObject or Scene is null
Inspector just blank instead of trying to show an empty array
Document IsProxy
Upload ignore sln files
Fix error when clicking on invalid GameObject field
When querying lobbies, do one at a time - because steam drops previous queries otherwise.
Fixed player counts not working
When joining a multiplayer game, it's permissive for the package to be invalid/missing
Fix component list NRE after renaming/deleting component hotload
InputSettings are sent to client via network table
Fix activity tracking (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4187)
Add ModelPhysics.PhysicsGroup
PhysicsComponent => Rigidbody
Rigidbody component exposes PhysicsBody (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4177)
Try to differentiate between game instances that are multiplayer joins, to allow missing/empty packages etc
Fix editor startup scene not being an editor scene
BaseItemWidget accept double click
Fix sceneview errors until hovered over sceneview
Fix error due to networking with no active scene
Add materials/default
Fix Sandbox.Hotload warning
Fix unreachable razor code generation warning
Fix more warnings
Fix crash in BuildRayTraceObject
Add Edit/Publish Project
Make sure OnStart is always called before OnUpdate/OnFixedUpdate (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/107)
Only interact with the scene view if your mouse is over it
Select the prefab instance when selecting a prefab instance child in the editor
Fix inspector not handling multiple components of the same type properly (fixes sbox-issues/issues/4175)
Fix hitbox tracing weirdness (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/104)
Fix misc warnings
Re-organize gameframe
Fix prefab enable status not de-serializing in scene (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/67)
Remove unused loadingscreen toggle
Fix all warnings in Sandbox.Game
Fix warning in Sandbox.Access
Fix warnings in Sandbox.Menu
Fix warnings in Sandbox.Tools
Fix every warning in Sandbox.Engine
Move Input to engine (we should be able to massively simplify this shit)
Make Transform / CTransformUnaligned non uniform
Use non uniform scaling when setting SceneObject transforms
Fixed order of SceneProperties (fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/4169)
Fix trace exception
Fixed scene prefab guid getting lost
Automatically convert .object to .prefab when loading scenes (for now)
Change prefabfile extension from .object to .prefab
Move SceneFile into Engine
Fix startup errors (!)
Fix hitbox traces not returning the hitbox
Make Hitbox constructors internal
Rotation: SmoothDamp is static, implicit conversion to/from Angles
Remove BinaryStreamExtension
Make all these Rotation members readonly while we're breaking api again
Make a bunch of other stuff readonly
Remove GameEvent
Unexpose Event system, remove from whitelist, don't instance Sandbox.Event (phasing it out)
Some easy deletes
Api protocol++
Remove [ClientRpc] [ClientInput]
Test fix
Put SceneEditor in a namespace
Make HmdMatrix44_t internal
Put triangle in a Sandbox namespace
Everything in the editor addon is in a namespace