19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Keep AO proxies updated after animation
CitizenAnimation EyeSource, LookAtObject tests
Rename ColliderBaseComponent to Collider, add ICollisionListener
SceneViewWidget ignore Camera.Ortho
Add alternate to SceneUtility.Instantiate
Add Orthographic options to camera component
Add Range to SpotLightComponent
Add TypeDescription.BaseType
fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/3660
fixes sboxgame/issues/issues/2611
If package starts with local. then don't find by exact name
Throw exception in CodeEditor.OpenFile if passed path is null or empty
Disable Panel go to source is source file is empty
Handle not found exception in MenuUtility.Storage.GetStorageFiles()
Fix NRE in LoadAllAssembliesFromPackage, if a package failed to load
Add ITriggerListener
Fix player controller body pitching
Add BaseComponent.OnComponentActivated, OnComponentDeactivated
CharacterController obeys IgnoreLayers
ParticleSystem checks control points are valid before using them
Trigger test scene
Remove deleted bodies and shapes from m_CollisionEvents
Ignore world by looking for world tag, instead of entity == 0 (because it's always 0 in scene system)
Trigger ignore if both have no touch events - not just one
Fill out the ContactEnd struct
Add PhysicsShape.Collider object
Re-order VPhysIntersectionNotification_t to make it more c# interop friendly
Add IPhysicsWorld.ProcessIntersections
Add Gizmo.Draw.LineSphere easy mode
Add PhysicsBody.OnTouchStart, OnTouchStay, OnTouchStop
Add experimental/temporary ragdoll capabilities
Add experimental SceneModel,SetBoneOverride
GameTagsControlWidget is TagSetControlWidget, works on any ITagSet
Transform Json serializable
ControlWidget don't fall through OnContextMenu by default
Copy/Paste/Reset transform
GameTags implements ITagSet
Copy tags to sceneobjects and shapes
Add Paint.MeasureText easy mode
Speed up PopupWidget fade in
Add ITag.SetFrom
Add GameObject.Tags
Serialize Tags
Fix Transform lerping from World instead of local
Tag editor widget
Allow setting the position of a physics body
Add SceneMode.OnSoundEvent
Add SceneModel.OnGenericEvent
Fix CUtlString copying crash in animevent_t
AnimatedModelComponent Footstep Event, DropObjectOnFootstep example component
Add SceneModel.UpdateToBindPose()
Add SceneModel.OnFootstepEvent
Update FootstepEvent
Give citizen foot_L and foot_R attachments back, so footstep events work
Fix CameraPhysicsDebug start pos
Use BodyGroups selector (I hate this)
Add CSceneAnimatableObject.SetBindPose
More keyvalues binds
Disable a ton of anim events (until someone tells me they were using it)
Anim event callbacks
Add BodyGroupsControlWidget
Add BodyPart.BoneName
ControlWidget supports wide mode
Added ControlWidget.ValueHash
HasAttribute non generic
CustomEditorAttribute has WithAllAttributes property
Name the bodygroups in citizen
Add Model.BodyParts, obsolete all the old accessors
HasAttribute non generic
CustomEditorAttribute has WithAllAttributes property
Name the bodygroups in citizen
Add Model.BodyParts, obsolete all the old accessors
Add SceneModel.MergeBones( SceneModel other )
This isn't needed
None of this is used, prove me wrong
Revert "None of this is used, prove me wrong"
This reverts commit 673e5e351dc372e2cdb4b91f3fefcea3b8fd9990.
Don't publish fbx files
Merge branch 'master' into new-physics-merge
Revert "None of this is used, prove me wrong"
This reverts commit 673e5e351dc372e2cdb4b91f3fefcea3b8fd9990.
Move scenes out of root
Move components
Cleanup test scenes
None of this is used, prove me wrong
Update the animation in the editor too!
Bone merge basics
Nicer bone merging
Threaded animation updates by default
Update particle scene
Add SceneModel.MergeBones( SceneModel other )
Use Transform proxies instead of copying the transforms
AnimatedModel creates and updates bone GameObjects (not the best perf right now, but I will address it)
Fix startup error
Performance scope animation update
AssetSystem: optimize FindByPath lookup
Optimize GameResourceProcessor
Keep __references ordered to avoid diff hell
Optimize recursive WalkJsonTree
Add AnimatedModelComponent
Add SetAnimParameter functions for AnimatedModelComponent
Add CitizenAnimation component
Remove debug
Update AnimatedModelComponent with new getters for parameters
SceneModel can get anim parameters
Components can be [Property] fields
Set keyframe physics time to arrive the same as the physics time step
Use Continuous by default
Add TransformInterpolate class
Character controller - don't bounce off floor
Fix character controller not grounding properly when walking up hill
GameTransform._local needs to compare to right transform
PlayerController uses FixedUpdate
Fixed update implementation
When transform changed, notify our children too
Disable fixed update for now