19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Wrap map loaded sceneobjects
Add GameObjectFlags
IBodyModifier not used
Map loading component test
Remove unused pvs stuff
Don't delete the whole physics and sceneworld when removing a SceneMap
Remove .vmap extension when trying to load a map
Expose Map.PhysicsGroup, Map.SceneMap
Add SceneObject.MakeGameObjectsUnique, remove the old version of it
Update turret with movement
Only do this if we have a shadow controller
Create turret.scene
Serialize GameObjects using their guid
Add GameObjectControlWidget
Enable GameObject reference serialization, uniquify them when duplicating + copying
If physics is using a collider with a controller, use Move to move the object instead
Update turret.scene
Create TurretComponent.cs
Add PhysicsBody.Move - which complies with the ShadowController
Add Align To View
ExceptionWrap Update
Add "Create Component", creates the .cs file with correct class name, adds new component to object
vsopen won't open a file unless a file line is specified
Add BaseItemWidget.ItemClicked
Added EditorUtility.Projects.WaitForCompiles()
Fix a bunch of potential issues when deleting a listview during selection callback
Add open cs file to component context menu
Use GizmoInstance.Settings for camera settings in SceneView
PhysicsComponent.Gravity does stuff
Fix TypeDescription.SourceFile + SourceLine sometimes coming from a base class
CodeEditor.OpenFile will look through all the local project's code paths if relative path
Gizmo camera settings, camera smoothing
Allow setting max distance for Model hitbox
Add TreeNode.OnActivated
Add copy/paste/clear to ResourceControlWidget
Make sure serialized children and components are in the same order
Don't rebuild the scene tree on hotload
Can double click on tree object to focus scene view on it
Keep world position when reparenting
Align view / frame
Fix PointLightComponent position
ModelComponent model hitbox instead of bbox
Error prevention
Gizmo.Instance.FirstPersonCamera returns true if user input
Validity checks when deleting physics shape from a body
Add Gizmo.Hitbox.Model
Fix BBox not serializing to json right
Fix cubemap bounds
Mark a bunch of stuff as only accessible from the main thread
Add EnvmapComponent, cubemap test scene
Add BBoxControlWidget
Expose a few things in SceneCubemap
Create lights.scene
rust scene floor collider
Keyboard shortcuts for copy, paste, duplicate, delete etc
Add Application.UnscaledCursorPosition
Application.CursorPosition is unrounded, Add Application.DpiScale
First person gizmo view look is smooth on high dpi monitors
Fix yucky nodegraph cursor hacks
Increase shadow map size on the light component defaults
Exception wrap Component callbacks
Add ColliderBase
Don't tick the active scene if we're playing
Tweak how Colliders initiate
Move OpenBelowCursor to PopupWidget
Fix NRE (even though it's handled)
Nicer add component menu
Component context menu (can destroy components now)
Can enable/disable components
Highlight pressed gameobject
Don't allow parenting to own ancestor
GameObject list support drag drop changing position etc
Build the toolbar
Fix TreeView not resolving objects for keyboard movement, open state
Tweak BaseItemWidget drop callbacks so we can handle dropping on edges differently
Fix unit test not initializing Global.Assembly
Add GameObject.Active, Component.Active
Fill out destroy logic, unit tests
Add Scene.FindAllComponents
Fix physicsbody UAF in Trace
Fix camera jolt when switching back to edtior
Fix double play/pause
Show gizmo debug for now
Transform gizmo tweaks
I think this completely fixes the event system duplicates
Fixed project settings layout being fucked
Don't change window background color when unfocused
Header bar
Attempt to fix duplicate events in editor (still happening though)
Add Toolbar.Title, .Movable, .Floatable
Should fix exception when opening assets
Whitelist specific attributes in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, avoiding CompareAttribute
Cut, copy, paste actions
Scene loading/saving
TypeLibrary uses dynamicAssembly to determine if dynamic, instead of checking for "package.*"
Add Sandbox.Utility.Parallel
Add Paint.LoadImage
Can put [EditorForAssetType] on a static method
Asset list cleanup