userGarry Newmancancel

19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!

1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
CharacterController component nice and slimmed down Debug components for Trace and CharacterControllerHelper Add ModelComponent.ShouldCastShadows Latest player controller scene
1 Year Ago
Trace startpos fix Fix capsule trace StartPos
1 Year Ago
Draw spheres, hulls and meshes when ModelCollider selected
1 Year Ago
Can get physics hull edges (for debug renderering) Can get triangles from physics mesh Add some faster line drawing functions to gizmo
1 Year Ago
ModelCollider - draw colliders (only capsule right now)
1 Year Ago
Start exposing CPhysAggregareData PhysicsGroupDescription can get a list of parts, and their parts Add Gizmo.Draw.LineCylinder (sucks) Add BodyPart.Transform
1 Year Ago
Add CameraPhysicsDebug component Add ModelCollider component Delete points from CameraPhysicsDebug faster
1 Year Ago
Add PhysGroup.Remove
1 Year Ago
PhysicsTrace supports Capsule trace
1 Year Ago
Player controller wip
1 Year Ago
Turret diagnosis scene, player controller wip
1 Year Ago
Make physics trace operate identically to game trace, diagnosing bbox vs sphere
1 Year Ago
PhysicsTrace.EndPoint fix
1 Year Ago
Fix new component wrong base type
1 Year Ago
Add Physics.Trace helper
1 Year Ago
Add PhysicsWorld.Trace
1 Year Ago
Fix MeshTrace result not returning good defaults EndPosition is now the hit position if hit, non hits have endposition and distance set Delete the sceneobject RayTraceObject straigt away
1 Year Ago
Delete unused code
1 Year Ago
Can drag drop prefabs into the scene Can drag models into the scene
1 Year Ago
Cleanup - don't allow delete prefab root Edit the prefab scene directly, unified scene saving, cleaning up
1 Year Ago
Don't remove an event instance - even if it's throwing errors
1 Year Ago
Event system unregister (#1291) * Rewrite event system to lift and sweep * Enroller calls unregister before hotload, register afterwards
1 Year Ago
Remove debug
1 Year Ago
Enroller calls unregister before hotload, register afterwards
1 Year Ago
Rewrite event system to lift and sweep
1 Year Ago
Fix not switching scenes when playing Scene is a GameObject
1 Year Ago
Be more careful when iterating components Set up default collision rules Fix PhysicsComponent not using the scene it is a part of Add ColliderBaseComponent.IsTrigger (which does nothing atm) Add SelfDestructComponent Add CollisionDebugComponent Add physics collision test scenes
1 Year Ago
Add PhysicsCallback class Add PhysicsShape.IsTrigger Handle IsTrigger in collisionfilter CollisionEvent callback stub implement > < operator overloads in TimeSince/TimeUntil
1 Year Ago
Move vphysics into engine2
1 Year Ago
Scene tabs Update cube.object Scenes have unsaved changes state (lining up for undo), rename GameObjectComponent to BaseComponent
1 Year Ago
Add SerializedObject.OnPropertyChanged callback
1 Year Ago
Add BBox,FromBoxes, BBox.FromPoints
1 Year Ago
OpenSceneList Scene + Prefab thumbnails
1 Year Ago
Don't run Program.Main if package is local. The assumption is that they'll be using scene view so that's controlled by the editor. Allow provide message with Assert.NotNull, IsNull
1 Year Ago
Can choose between play scene or play game
1 Year Ago
Alt fire, stats
1 Year Ago
Refactor so the game can start up when published
1 Year Ago
Ignore sln, lutconfig, lutignore when publishing When can't find active package, print a list of packages that it can find
1 Year Ago
Ignore unittest folder when publishing
1 Year Ago
Lets not have a games folder in the sln anymore Lets put the sln in the active game folder
1 Year Ago
Fix components list not showing!
1 Year Ago
Attempt to place camera nicely when opening a scene
1 Year Ago
In scene prefab editor
1 Year Ago
TypeLibrary ignores Delegate types
1 Year Ago
Clean up
1 Year Ago
Add rotational vector getters to Transform Add additional aspect ratios
1 Year Ago
Paint prefabs different to gameobjects in GameObjectControlWidget Change how enable state is triggered
1 Year Ago
Rename SceneSource to SceneFile Add PrefabFile resource type Can convert a GameObject to a Prefab Can drag a PrefabFile to GameObject control widget GameObjects referencing a PrefabFile GameObject will serialize properly Changing Scene will automatically change scene of child objects Update turret scene
1 Year Ago
TreeView/TreeNode speedup Don't render NativeRenderingWidget if it's not visible Give nice warning when calling AssetSystem.CreateResource with invalid extension Allow overriding some of the SceneMapLoader functions