19,646 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
CharacterController component nice and slimmed down
Debug components for Trace and CharacterControllerHelper
Add ModelComponent.ShouldCastShadows
Latest player controller scene
Trace startpos fix
Fix capsule trace StartPos
Draw spheres, hulls and meshes when ModelCollider selected
Can get physics hull edges (for debug renderering)
Can get triangles from physics mesh
Add some faster line drawing functions to gizmo
ModelCollider - draw colliders (only capsule right now)
Start exposing CPhysAggregareData
PhysicsGroupDescription can get a list of parts, and their parts
Add Gizmo.Draw.LineCylinder (sucks)
Add BodyPart.Transform
Add CameraPhysicsDebug component
Add ModelCollider component
Delete points from CameraPhysicsDebug faster
PhysicsTrace supports Capsule trace
Turret diagnosis scene, player controller wip
Make physics trace operate identically to game trace, diagnosing bbox vs sphere https://files.facepunch.com/garry/477f5e8e-920d-4eea-977b-b1404b4a632e.mp4
PhysicsTrace.EndPoint fix
Fix new component wrong base type
Fix MeshTrace result not returning good defaults
EndPosition is now the hit position if hit, non hits have endposition and distance set
Delete the sceneobject RayTraceObject straigt away
Can drag drop prefabs into the scene
Can drag models into the scene
Cleanup - don't allow delete prefab root
Edit the prefab scene directly, unified scene saving, cleaning up
Don't remove an event instance - even if it's throwing errors
Event system unregister (#1291)
* Rewrite event system to lift and sweep
* Enroller calls unregister before hotload, register afterwards
Enroller calls unregister before hotload, register afterwards
Rewrite event system to lift and sweep
Fix not switching scenes when playing
Scene is a GameObject
Be more careful when iterating components
Set up default collision rules
Fix PhysicsComponent not using the scene it is a part of
Add ColliderBaseComponent.IsTrigger (which does nothing atm)
Add SelfDestructComponent
Add CollisionDebugComponent
Add physics collision test scenes
Add PhysicsCallback class
Add PhysicsShape.IsTrigger
Handle IsTrigger in collisionfilter
CollisionEvent callback stub
implement > < operator overloads in TimeSince/TimeUntil
Move vphysics into engine2
Scene tabs
Update cube.object
Scenes have unsaved changes state (lining up for undo), rename GameObjectComponent to BaseComponent
Add SerializedObject.OnPropertyChanged callback
Add BBox,FromBoxes, BBox.FromPoints
Scene + Prefab thumbnails
Don't run Program.Main if package is local. The assumption is that they'll be using scene view so that's controlled by the editor.
Allow provide message with Assert.NotNull, IsNull
Can choose between play scene or play game
Refactor so the game can start up when published
Ignore sln, lutconfig, lutignore when publishing
When can't find active package, print a list of packages that it can find
Ignore unittest folder when publishing
Lets not have a games folder in the sln anymore
Lets put the sln in the active game folder
Fix components list not showing!
Attempt to place camera nicely when opening a scene
TypeLibrary ignores Delegate types
Add rotational vector getters to Transform
Add additional aspect ratios
Paint prefabs different to gameobjects in GameObjectControlWidget
Change how enable state is triggered
Rename SceneSource to SceneFile
Add PrefabFile resource type
Can convert a GameObject to a Prefab
Can drag a PrefabFile to GameObject control widget
GameObjects referencing a PrefabFile GameObject will serialize properly
Changing Scene will automatically change scene of child objects
Update turret scene
TreeView/TreeNode speedup
Don't render NativeRenderingWidget if it's not visible
Give nice warning when calling AssetSystem.CreateResource with invalid extension
Allow overriding some of the SceneMapLoader functions