19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!
Let ZNear/ZFar defaults feed through
Vector2.Dot returns float
Vector3.Equals doesn't use AlmostEqual, but the == and != operators do
Move a bunch of stuff from Client to IClient, PlayerId is now SteamId
Client.Pawn is an IEntity
Game becomes GameController, added Sandbox.Game namespace
Move stuff from GameController to BaseGameController where possible
Remove Sandbox.Hooks
Rename CameraMode to CameraComponent
Make CameraSetup internal
Delete FixedCamera.cs
Delete LookAtCamera.cs
Obsolete [UseTemplate] so we appreciate the scope of removing it
Move Event.Frame to Event.Client.Frame, add ToolEvent.Frame
Add Event.Client.PreCamera, PostCamera
Move Event.BuildInput to Event.Client.BuildInput
Move default BuildInput to internal BaseGameController
Rename files to match new classnames
GameController becomes GameManager
Delete CameraSetup
Delete CurrentView
Use Map.Camera in place of CurrentView
Remove dof and motionblur from ViewDesc
Delete BrushEntity.Solid (was obsolete)
SurroundingBoundsType.Obb => SurroundingBoundsType.OBB
Use RangedFloat in SoundEvent resource
This change will make existing assets lose their PitchRandom/VolumeRandom until updated
Move GlobalRpcHandler to Sandbox.Internal
Make Sound.Index internal
Hide Prediction.CommandsAcknowledged/LastExecutedPacketNum
Move QTextBlock to Tools namespace
Rename ModelDoc namespace to Sandbox.ModelEditor
Also moved all ModelDoc node classes to Sandbox.ModelEditor.Nodes
Renamed ModelDocAttributes.cs to ModelEditorAttributes.cs
Delete Sandbox.ConstantBuffer (obsolete & unused)
Delete TriggerHurt and TriggerTeleport (obsolete aliases)
Delete TriggerMultiple.Wait (obsolete alias)
Delete ModelBreakPiece.CollisionGroupOverride (obsolete)
Delete CameraMode.DoFPoint/DoFBlurSize (obsolete)
Add Local.UserPreference.DefaultFieldOfView
Remove unused properties of Sandbox.Water
Fixed main SceneCamera not controlling the render properly
Remove SharedRendering/SetDevLayer hack
Delete more obsoletes
Deleted PhysicsWorld.IsPointWater
Deleted Sandbox.Component.Glow.Active/RangeMin/RangeMax
Deleted FogStength from all light entities
Deleted OrthoLightEntity.UseFogNoShadows
Deleted Global.IsDedicatedServer/PhysicsSubSteps/PhysicsTimeScale
Deleted ScenePanel.CameraPosition/CameraRotation/FieldOfView/AmbientColor/ClearColor/ZNear/ZFar/DisablePostProcessing/SceneAttributes
Delete CameraComponent
DevCamera tweaks
Remove Map.Camera, add global Camera
Don't use EyeRotation for view angles - because it's laggy and fucked and I'm gonna remove it
Remove Entity.,EyePosition, Entity.EyeRotation, Entity.EyeLocalPosition, Entity.EyeLocalRotation, Added Entity.GetAimRay()
Delete StandardPlayerAnimator, PawnAnimator
Notes for future
Remove unsued
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pain-day-rubat1' into engine-refactor-1
Rename SurroundingBoundsType.OBB to SurroundingBoundsType.Object, comment out unused
Remove now unused constant buffer binds
Defaults for main camera
Minimal template fixes
Reduce default vertex size
Move some stuff from base addon into the game dll
Add prediction tolerance to m_vecOrigin
Split base and compiled assembly again
Only compile base addon if we're a runtime game
Remove debug
Remove rest of fov hacking code, add Screen.CreateVerticalFieldOfView
Update TransformTest.cs
Fix Gamemode download unit test to use new assembly schema
Disable tests that are too much work to get working yet
Don't allow LocalScale < 0
Don't complain about TaskCanceledException on game shutdown
Add Copy To Clipboard button to Stack property
Add facepunch.unicycle_frenzy to test
Lets mark a bunch of stuff as obsoleted so people aren't surprised
Set default FOV back
Merge pull request #669 from Facepunch/engine-refactor-1
Lets mark a bunch of stuff as obsoleted so people aren't surprised
Set default FOV back
Don't allow LocalScale < 0
Don't complain about TaskCanceledException on game shutdown
Add Copy To Clipboard button to Stack property
Add facepunch.unicycle_frenzy to test
Update TransformTest.cs
Fix Gamemode download unit test to use new assembly schema
Disable tests that are too much work to get working yet
Remove rest of fov hacking code, add Screen.CreateVerticalFieldOfView
Fix soundscape NRE
Fix PanelList overflow
Latest api
Only compile base addon if we're a runtime game
Fix addons getting not getting marked as game:any correctly
Add prediction tolerance to m_vecOrigin
Split base and compiled assembly again
Reduce default vertex size
Move some stuff from base addon into the game dll
Don't skip program when checking if shader is up to date if we failed to load the compiled version (it might not exist)
memset shader header so we dont run into these issues that are caused by uninitialized memory
Remove subview stuff from vr.cpp, not neded in our case
Remove FSR, wasn't doing much and was causing issues with VR stencil, fix vr stencil debug
Granular foveated rendering, still needs cleanup
Remove old deprecated depth of field, cleanup checkerboard reconstruction
Add convars for vr_foveated_rendering
Get center lens position from HMD, pass foveation parameters to GPU
Cleanup and update shader files
Readd FSR for now, wouldn't be able to properly remove it until we have a good replacement, but don't bother with it if we're in VR
Remove unused convars
Tweak autofidelity, remove autofidelity for multigpu, add autofidelity for mobile while at it, fix typo
Tie vr_foveated_rendering to autofidelity, optimize shaders a bit
Fix rebase changes for shader assets
Merge pull request #652 from Facepunch/vr-foveated-rendering
VR Foveated Rendering
Minor summary adjustment to PhysicsBody.SurfaceMaterial
RangedFloat can be read from a number in JSON too
Delete BrushEntity.Solid (was obsolete)
SurroundingBoundsType.Obb => SurroundingBoundsType.OBB
Use RangedFloat in SoundEvent resource
This change will make existing assets lose their PitchRandom/VolumeRandom until updated
Move GlobalRpcHandler to Sandbox.Internal
Make Sound.Index internal
Hide Prediction.CommandsAcknowledged/LastExecutedPacketNum
Move QTextBlock to Tools namespace
Rename ModelDoc namespace to Sandbox.ModelEditor
Also moved all ModelDoc node classes to Sandbox.ModelEditor.Nodes
Renamed ModelDocAttributes.cs to ModelEditorAttributes.cs
Delete Sandbox.ConstantBuffer (obsolete & unused)
Delete TriggerHurt and TriggerTeleport (obsolete aliases)
Delete TriggerMultiple.Wait (obsolete alias)
Delete ModelBreakPiece.CollisionGroupOverride (obsolete)
Delete CameraMode.DoFPoint/DoFBlurSize (obsolete)
Remove unused properties of Sandbox.Water
Delete more obsoletes
Deleted PhysicsWorld.IsPointWater
Deleted Sandbox.Component.Glow.Active/RangeMin/RangeMax
Deleted FogStength from all light entities
Deleted OrthoLightEntity.UseFogNoShadows
Deleted Global.IsDedicatedServer/PhysicsSubSteps/PhysicsTimeScale
Deleted ScenePanel.CameraPosition/CameraRotation/FieldOfView/AmbientColor/ClearColor/ZNear/ZFar/DisablePostProcessing/SceneAttributes
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pain-day-rubat1' into engine-refactor-1
Rename SurroundingBoundsType.OBB to SurroundingBoundsType.Object, comment out unused
Remove now unused constant buffer binds
Defaults for main camera
Minimal template fixes
Notes for future
Remove unsued
Remove Entity.,EyePosition, Entity.EyeRotation, Entity.EyeLocalPosition, Entity.EyeLocalRotation, Added Entity.GetAimRay()
Delete StandardPlayerAnimator, PawnAnimator
Remove Map.Camera, add global Camera
Don't use EyeRotation for view angles - because it's laggy and fucked and I'm gonna remove it
Delete CameraSetup
Delete CurrentView
Use Map.Camera in place of CurrentView
Remove dof and motionblur from ViewDesc
Add Local.UserPreference.DefaultFieldOfView
Fixed main SceneCamera not controlling the render properly
Remove SharedRendering/SetDevLayer hack
GameController becomes GameManager
Obsolete [UseTemplate] so we appreciate the scope of removing it
Move Event.Frame to Event.Client.Frame, add ToolEvent.Frame
Add Event.Client.PreCamera, PostCamera
Move Event.BuildInput to Event.Client.BuildInput
Move default BuildInput to internal BaseGameController
Rename files to match new classnames
Make CameraSetup internal
Delete FixedCamera.cs
Delete LookAtCamera.cs
Vector2.Dot returns float
Vector3.Equals doesn't use AlmostEqual, but the == and != operators do
Move a bunch of stuff from Client to IClient, PlayerId is now SteamId
Client.Pawn is an IEntity
Game becomes GameController, added Sandbox.Game namespace
Move stuff from GameController to BaseGameController where possible
Remove Sandbox.Hooks
Rename CameraMode to CameraComponent
Squashed commit of the following:
commit f5d20681b7389cd09e9c877d4ea0d9e260762a44
Author: Rubat <3299036+robotboy655@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Mon Dec 5 21:48:02 2022 +0200
Delete Sandbox.Internal.Decals
commit c9ed0a3acf8a248f4533109ddb63edba3a3c5330
Author: Rubat <3299036+robotboy655@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Mon Dec 5 21:43:19 2022 +0200
Remove obsoletes
Removed Sandbox.SpotLightCone
Removed Sandbox.SceneSpotLight.SpotCone
Removed Sandbox.UI.DataSource.ArraySource
Removed Sandbox.UI.DataSource.BaseDataSource
Removed Sandbox.UI.DataSource.BindMethod
Removed Sandbox.UI.DataSource.Property
Removed Assert.True( bool ) in favor of Assert.True( bool, string=null )
Removed Assert.False( bool ) in favor of Assert.False( bool, string=null )
Removed Vector3.LerpTo( Vector3, float ) in favor of Vector3.LerpTo( Vector3, float, bool = true )
Removed Vector3.LerpTo( Vector3, Vector3 ) in favor of Vector3.LerpTo( Vector3, Vector3, bool = true )
Removed Sandbox.DecalSystem
Nothing should be named "dynamic.*" anymore
Should fix MakeRelease not generating history
Branch for Sandbox for input changes
Use updated inputs
Use ActiveChildInput
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/custom-client-input'
Ignore all compiled files
Experimental / PoC
Limit stored custom inputs to a maximum of 256, removing older entries as new ones are added
Added ButtonState intended for use with [ClientInput]
Use TypeDescription to fetch property for [ClientInput]
Add extensions for reading/writing Transform
Add Transform.Read and Transform.Write
Add support for Transform to [ClientInput]
Added ButtonState.Pressed and ButtonState.Released with docs
Fixed compile error from copy paste 🥴
Make ButtonState a struct again but add a method `Set` so it doesn't need to be a class for the property
Revert "Make ButtonState a struct again but add a method `Set` so it doesn't need to be a class for the property"
This reverts commit 6d29a14ea85614a2c91c8f670f73e5ebb30e60cf.
Fixed IsDown / WasDown and also Pressed / Released being swapped
Delta values for some stuff (only send stuff that changed since last cmd)
Tidy up + add ManagedInputs
Rename to PawnInput
Just use TypeLibrary as its cached anyway
Add comments + use TypeLibrary
Add HasAttribute<T>()
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Don't add const to ArgPointer if asref is specified
Rid of CUtlVectorByte in favor of direct byte arrays
Make ButtonState a struct with implicit bool conversion
Write dynamic assembly hash to managed input message. Check hashes match when deserializing, if they don't skip that input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Prepare to move a bunch of stuff from user cmd to managed. Clear out eye angle stuff
Start stripping out stuff that'll need implementing on pawn
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Match structs
Input.LookDelta and Input.MoveDelta analog inputs + copy PawnInput props in MimicBot from target client
Update (obsolete) player and controller examples to use the managed input / pawn inputs
Try stripping out InputBuilder and see how it feels...
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Some extra docs + rename PawnInput to ClientInput
Remove redundant inputs. Reverse yaw for bots
Some additional documentation
Move MimicBot to base addon
Write -1 if entity is null
Add ActiveChildInput and ensure children get added to Inventory on ClientSpawn so they match
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Can pass RenderAttributes into VertexBuffer.Draw
Avoid conflicts
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Add Tony's change for always record voice in VR
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Remove code I added that wasn't needed
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge in Matt's Input.Pressed fix for when FPS is lower than tick rate
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Make sure StopProcessing is reset in Input.Process so that it isn't remembered next time
Ensure InputDirection client input is consistently set to Input.AnalogMove for parity with old system
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Support extra types
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Early out if no managed inputs to write
Additional types
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge fixes incompatible
Merge branch 'master' into custom-client-input
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/custom-client-input'
Remove obsolete
Start using the engine version
Update .addon
Don't commit these
Disable api protection unit tests (we're breaking the api now)
PackageType can define whether it's api version sensitive
package/find api uses api version properly, added unittests
Remove Package.Query
Clean up + document protocol stuff in c#
Pass api protocol when querying packages
Oops, unmangle engine.def
Moved network and api protocol into src/common/protocol.h, deleted unused version stuff
This test is a bit subjective, lets give it more breathing room
Fix potential NRE in Panel.TickInternal()
OnAssetFileChanged doesn't throw an exception when the file was deleted
Handle and report template parsing exception
Fixed exception reporting wrongly classifying old addons as engine exceptions
Fix menu exceptions getting ignored
Error reporting classify tools propertly
Update exception dsn
SessionCleanup can use ExecuteDeleteAsync now
Update AssetUsageUpdater to batch calls
Fix editor crash on exit (causing layout to not save)
BuildShaders.bat needs to build the whole resource system now because shaders and resources. So do that.
Build rendersystemempty when building shaders