userGarry Newmancancel

19,645 Commits over 4,018 Days - 0.20cph!

3 Years Ago
Rename AdminPageComponent Implement AssetComponent Delete redundant shit
3 Years Ago
Add GameServices.UpdateLeaderboard (replaces SubmitScore)
3 Years Ago
Highlight hovered row Can delete a player's individual game result Can delete individual leaderboard entry Can delete leaderboards
3 Years Ago
Localization Basics (
3 Years Ago
Remove HasActive guard for value property on Slider as it prevents value change events when dragging the slider Hide the entire map field in the lobby settings when Map Select mode is set to Hidden for a game. This fixes it just showing "Map" with nothing underneath in this mode. Fix list add button sometimes missing Fix PropertySheet warnings Game Settings now support choices with a Value and a Name so that the actual ConVar value can be separated from how it is displayed in the dropdown box Merge branch 'master' of Fix soundscapes still playing when they shouldn't Delete dota healthbar SFM code that plagued the IToolService and ISource2Engine Dock Error List in default layout Validate valid game setting before loading from cookie Defer setting values for replicated ConVars received from server info (#464) * Defer setting values for replicated ConVars received from server info until the ConVars are added from the game client-side. This fixes connecting clients not having replicated ConVar values set correctly (because the ConVar doesn't exist at the time they receive them.) * Set replicated ConVar values after AddConVar to avoid parent/child ConVar default value mis-match and ensure value is set client-side * Simplify by just sending the initial replicated ConVar values message after the game assembly will have been loaded * Fix case where value would be overriden by an old one Ensure that the max players slider in the lobby settings is correctly positioned when initialized Add world mapping as default to shader api Add toolvis modes to shader api so it's actually visible in hammer Fix toon shader not compiling & recompile Recompile base shader so tool vis modes work on it Fix Client.FetchGameRankAsync by passing an int into TaskSource, it seems like this int is never used although it may have once been, re-evaluate that later Merge branch 'master' of Add global:: to EnsureSufficientExecutionStack statement Unused Junk Merge branch 'master' into localization
3 Years Ago
Unused Junk
3 Years Ago
Fix list add button sometimes missing Fix PropertySheet warnings
3 Years Ago
Client reloads localization files if one changes
3 Years Ago
Localization tests
3 Years Ago
Load localization files property in game
3 Years Ago
Refactor Can get a list of languages Add language selection to settings
3 Years Ago
Add Panel.LanguageChanged(), update labels when language changes
3 Years Ago
Strip out a bunch of unused language stuff from engine Change cl_language to language, make it save Menu localization tests
3 Years Ago
Localization basics
3 Years Ago
Fixed list rebuild taking ages Fixed propertysheet bouncing about on change
3 Years Ago
Binding system supports deep properties Fix Binding system bouncing when types differ Sandbox.UI uses Sandbox.Bind, obsolete old bind system (mostly) Delete in game ListInspector Replace Panel.BindClass with Bind system Add layout.Enabled Simplify public bind api for this first run Remove unused junk
3 Years Ago
StackOverflow catching (codegen)
3 Years Ago
Delete p4_quiet_edit.exe Remove unused code Delete audioparams_t Remove unused m_fog
3 Years Ago
Log exception when grant package fails Fix exception when updating session Clean document percentage styles
3 Years Ago
Get rid of EFL_HAS_DYNAMIC_PHYSICS, add a network bool instead
3 Years Ago
Fix PointerEvents confusion (fixes sbox-issues/issues/2015)
3 Years Ago
Show generics Correctly get documentation for methods with generic args
3 Years Ago
Clean up dev preview page Temporary hack for api categories Periodically update session Only show Api classes that we haven't listed Fixed documentation not showing for methods with no args Show base class Don't show base class members on class page Api sidebar links to member properly Fixed documentation not showing for methods with & args
3 Years Ago
Move NodeEditor to Tools.NodeEditor Move Sandbox.InternalTests to Sandbox.Internal.Tests Move everything in the tools addon under the tools namespace Get rid of Tools.ApplicationTimingsWidget namespace
3 Years Ago
Undone the `Sandbox.Internal.Documentation` stuff - this wasn't the best way
3 Years Ago
Dev Preview Lottery system
3 Years Ago
Dev Preview fixes
3 Years Ago
Strip out that drag drop bullshit Check for code changes in the background Class sidebar links Dev Preview tweaks
3 Years Ago
Entity._components shouldn't be accessible Fix warning Strip SetBlurState
3 Years Ago
Drag Drop tests (wasted morning)
3 Years Ago
Document PhysicsWorld slightly
3 Years Ago
lowercase Object and Void
3 Years Ago
Length Documentation ConsoleSystem documentation Documenting CurrentView, Local, Screen Document ThreadSafe Document Host Document GameServices Physics Documentation (kind of)
3 Years Ago
Documentation from xml files Show obsolete information
3 Years Ago
Breadcrumbs cleanup
3 Years Ago
Obsolete Vector3.OneX, OneY, OneZ
3 Years Ago
Make Rect3D internal Testing Documentation Categories
3 Years Ago
Delete ColorXYZ, color-interpolation
3 Years Ago
Don't save a file to C:\\temp\\ during compile
3 Years Ago
Auto document (#440)
3 Years Ago
Build addons as part of ci/pull Upload zip on ci
3 Years Ago
Delete Unused Add Release API Fix warnings Use latest version for docs (experimenting)
3 Years Ago
Fix CI complaining about Steam
3 Years Ago
Fix addons writing .vs folder in a random place Zip up documentation assemblies Run sbox-dev.exe -test on pull/ci
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Capture and report c# stackoverflowexception's (we can't recover from them right now, but at least we can know that they're happening)
3 Years Ago
Add fish.cat_harvest unit test Fix infinite loop in AccessControl
3 Years Ago
▉▌▇ ██▅ ▅&▌▇▉▆▌ █▍▉▍
3 Years Ago
Fix deleting asset media Fix edit org update exception Fix exception when choosing org name We don't need to record when people fail at updating their discord Increase AssetRate timeout Sentry tweaks