5,292 Commits over 2,345 Days - 0.09cph!
Copy steamclient.so to Plugins/x86_64 for linux server
steamclient.so for linux server
Render stuff in a separate native dll (so linux server doesn't try to load it)
Native updates, Protocol++
If we detect a crash on startup, mark steam content as corrupt
In player load, only set username if it's not null (for mods)
Build item icons to correct folder (!)
EntityTransformNetworking check for changed positions
Fixed cupboard gibs errors
Updated CurrentVersion to 5.3.2
Added currentEntity to Raven reporter
Output SystemInfoGeneralText at startup, so it's availabel in crash logs
Fixed full frame shit being pickupable like doors
Fixed full frame shit being pickupable like doors
Fixed giveall returning when it should have continued
Call UpdateUserData for Steam
Tweaked pumpkin + corn plant lod levels
Fixed lookingAt accuracy issues (door vs lock, nearby boxes etc)
Dumping item items and info in Bundles\items automatically (for people making websites, mods etc)
pumpkin plants live a max of 7 seasons
pumpkin plants die after being harvested 3 times
Convar to enable/disable network caching
Convars containing network + save cache size in bytes
Don't store names in RPC cache (available in stringpool)
Steamworks update (server)
Touching these models that unity is compressing from 15kb to 1.5gb for some reason
Enabling low compression on all our meshes to see what happens
bind second argument doesn't need quotes
Enabled vertex compression in player settings
Don't network spectating players
Fixed bug reporting error
Divide by zero error (uncommon)
Fixed NETRCV_ReadBytes returned false on suicide
reference coroutines by IEnumerator because stopping them with the Coroutine class throws errors (300 errors an hour)
Fixed keys.cfg overriding new keys added in keys_default.cfg