5,292 Commits over 2,345 Days - 0.09cph!
Label all item icons with ItemIcon
More organisation
Fixed wrong skin colour selection
Fixed missing viewmodel arm shader
Players use new skin shader
Keyboard shortcuts for duplicate/findandreplace tools
Fixed phrases not generating properly
Fixed visible clothing sometimes not refreshing on HUD
Seperate generators from item schema
Fixed client sending expired inventories to the server
Tweaked server quit/restart so players don't lose craft ingredients
Tweaked the way TintMap works on clothing shader
Changed some clothes to use diogo's new shader
Fixed accidentally DDOS'ing Valve
How much trouble would it cause if each line of text was its own canvas
Fixed accidental item grant
changed steam item image url
organised tshirts
Handle invalid item in load more gracefully
added black longsleeve
hardcoding steaminventory id's so there can't be any future fuckups
Server print steamid etc on death messages - for 3rd party stat systems
Fixed steaminv schema bug