19,225 Commits over 3,898 Days - 0.21cph!
Fixed PlayerInventory.GetAmount NRE
Shadow casdade/distance options
Reorganised options screen (still shit)
Slack channel redirection
Bug reporter, report errors
Started switching to project/publickey system
Moved options to main menu (this will get better)
Prevented UI accidentally dissapearing when jabbing F keys
Warn + fix if loading a save with duplicate entity ids
Invalidate network cache properly on looting
server.save does a clean save (wipes save cache before saving)
When placing a block, update the surrounding blocks
Build server compile using unity 5.2.1p3
Regex urls
Templating system
Simplified MySQL
Thsi folder wants to be called Bin
Fixed white clothes at lower shader levels
increased file storage cleanup speed
network protocol++
Changed branding version info to use "days since" - which is more human readable