6,091 Commits over 3,744 Days - 0.07cph!
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merge from main (keeping up to date)
updated t1 smg name
lowered max ammo capacity of Handmade SMG
t1 smg balance and techtree
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cape balance
mummy + frankenstein mask loot tables
slightly increased hcr damage falloff distance and projectile velocity
disable dynamic pricing on waterwell npc
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lowered tea sell order probability and increased refill rate to repopulate much slower
adjusted DPV health
adjusted waterwellshopkeeper inventory
▅▋▋▆▉▌▋ ▊▉▆▄ (▅▊▊█▆ ▅▌▆▊ ▉▉██▆▇)
fixed food spawns at radtown
dpv crafting/techtree
adjusted hcr crafting costs, removed extra unused slot from python/hcr
updated radtown name, updated radtown loot