6,086 Commits over 3,714 Days - 0.07cph!
compile fix
potential startup fix
fixed minigun shot sound with high ping
minigun ammo type fixes ( heli/turret )
removed minigun container
▌▉▄ ▅▉▌▊▍▅▊▄ ▇▆▆▍ ▅▍▆▋█▅▉ ▄▇▉▅▅▆▊
▌▊▆▋▊▇ ▍▌▊█▊▄▍
▇▅ ▊█▍▉▇▇ ▋▊▄▆▌▇ ▄▉▆▋▆▋ ▇▇▊▉█▊ █▆▋▌ ▊▌▉█▄▋▅▄▋ ▊▆▅▅ ▄▆█▋ ▄▌▇█▋▇▇▊▄ ▉▅▍▆▄▅▉ ▌▍▅▋ █▇▆▇ ▅ ▄▊▉▆▅▉ ▆▄▍█▇▇█▍ █▆▋▍ ▆▄▄█ ▉▄▉▇▅▄▋▇▋ ▉▍▆▊
▋▌▇▍▍▌▍▇ ▊▌▆█▄▋▉▊▇▄▇
▅▊▅█▊▌█ ▆▇▉▋▋▇▅▆, ▋██ ▄▇▅▄▄▌▅ ▇▍▅▇▅▊▇▉▊▅▄
minigun crafting
fix capacity
minigun loot setup
recoil setup, movement speed setup
fixed weird viewmodel animations causing minigun to appear too high
▇▆▌▄▋▅▄▌▍▇█ ▌▌▍▋▍▆▇ ▍▌▇ ▇▌▇▅▋████▊█▌▌▊
▇▉▄▋ █▊▄▆▊▊▄▉
▋▄▌▄▄ ▋▅▍█▌▉▍ ▉▊▌▌ ▍▉ ▌▌▍▅▆ ▋▌ .▌█▍▌
▄▍▉▍ ▅▅▊ ▄▇▊▉▍ ▄▇ ▉▍▅▅ ▌▋▅ ▆▅▋▆▊▊▌ ▄▆▆▇
▍▇▌█▇▄▍ ▆▅▄▉▌▆▄ ▉█▋█ ▊▉▆ ▅▆▅▋▋▅▇▍▇█▄ + ▍▋▋▍▉
always include nightlight shader