6,099 Commits over 3,775 Days - 0.07cph!
radiation has more of a gradient rather than a seemingly binary exposure
updated radpill description
added food box to junk piles
rocket launcher more expensive
rockets cost additional pipe
lowered oil barrel HP
removed waterpipe pipe requirement (derpy but needed for now)
tightened up flamethrower fuel stream graphics
flamethrower must be held to create fire
can no longer tap flamethrower for 1 fuel to create a fire
flamethrower holds 100 ammo instead of 50
flamethrower uses twice the fuel per second
flamethrower direct damage against players increased
attempt to fix empty crates/barrels
added semi auto body (p250/SAR component)
slightly reduced sheet metal HQM recycle yield
slightly reduced spring HQM recycle yield
fixed missing radiation at airfield
radiation balance for all clothing
rebalanced radiation at radtowns
fixed trashpiles not spawning on barren
adjusted barrel LOD's
increased gear spawn stack size
increased metal facemask and chestplate cost
added hazmat suit spawn chance in crates
fixed junkpile despawning while players are nearby
updated icons for rope and sewing kit
added some barrel spawns to airfield
decreased hqm chance from crates (increases chances of everything else)
lowered chance of oil barrel spawning in junkpile
removed spring requirement from beartrap/landmine/reactive target
junkpiles now properly despawn their contents
hazmat stuff uncraftable (for now)
components max stacksize increased
added recycler to radtown3
added small refinery to radtown 3
added another recycler to airport in a hangar
fixed inaccessible recyclers
recyclers process every 5 seconds (was 3)
cctv camera/targeting computer now recycle into techparts/hqm
removed ammo spawns from loot crates (more of everything)
merge into prerelease
updated LODs so you can see barrels from farther away
roadsign armor jacket now requires roadsigns
added procedural junkpiles that spawn in fields
added entity.spawnlootfrom "ent" "count"
F1 grenades require 1 spring
Quarry no longer requires cloth, requires 15 gears instead
Wooden armour requires rope
Bone armor much cheaper rope wise
Leather gloves require sewing kit
small chance of tier2 components (spring/gears) being found in barrels
spring/gear chance increased slightly in tier2 loot table
modified all radtowns to actually drops tier2 components (gears,springs) instead of only weapon boxes
repairs no longer require components
fixed double armored door cost to require gears
torch only costs 1 LGF instead of 5
added recycler to sat dish
floor ladder hatch requires 3 gears instead of 5
armored door now costs 35 HQM+5gears
spring produces HQM at recycler
small stash no longer requires rope
fix for metal blades on metal tools
fix for lr300/mp5 not needing spring component
fixed thrown melee weapons dropping to ground for other viewers RUST-1420
trashcans no longer spawn crazy items
sewing kits are more prevalent and now drop in stacks of 4-6
metal hatchet and pickaxe no longer require metal blades
salvaged tools require blades/pipes but are *way* better at gathering
barrel component drops more common ( less oil/wood )
propane tank less common
reverted high external wall/gates cost adjustments
rifles/smgs require additional components
smg/rifle bodies less common (50% chance now 30% chance)
buffed all melee weapons damage
flamer requires additional components
temp fix for locked doors in radtowns
compile fix
Removed all completed items from loot tables
Updated barrels worst-case loot to be some crude or wood instead of nothing
updated radtown crates to spawn weapon components
all components produce scrap parts when recycled
recycler takes item condition into account when calculating produced scrap
fixed salvaged axe costing 50 metal pipes
prerelease server join fix(temp)
fixed fire rocket crafting issue
fixed ladder hatch requiring 150 ladders (lol)
don't force changes to all EffectRecycle component unless length differs by more than 0.05
muzzle brake adds less of an aimcone penalty
overhaul of most items that require components to use them
major overhaul to most item costs
more component spawning at radtowns and in barrels
doubled cost of external high walls and gates
reduced external high walls health by 20%
added new recycler art
fixed bolt action recipe cost
silencer is slightly cheaper
silencer slightly reduces aimsway
silencer slightly reduces recoil
holosight/lasersight now use techparts
smgs now require smg body component to craft
rifles now require rifle body component to craft
double barrel shotgun requires pipe component to craft
component spawn added to radtown boxes
water/double shotgun require pipes
barrels drop some components
added metal blade
added metal pipe
added sewing kit
added spring
added rifle body
added smg body
updated early game items to require components