
3,239 Commits over 3,500 Days - 0.04cph!

7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
brutalist sitem
7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
burst module weapons have slightly reduced time between shots and a bit less recoil overall
9 Months Ago
display recovery probability and time left on wounded screen
9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
ferry terminal loot balance
10 Months Ago
sitem setups skin approval
10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
merge creation_gibs to main
11 Months Ago
merge into main
11 Months Ago
shipping container sitem
11 Months Ago
merge into main from creation_gibs
11 Months Ago
merge into main
11 Months Ago
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11 Months Ago
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12 Months Ago
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12 Months Ago
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12 Months Ago
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12 Months Ago
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12 Months Ago
fix for the bradley targeting vendors
12 Months Ago
fix too many road bradleys spawning
12 Months Ago
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12 Months Ago
increased number of center-hits during extended burst fires for thompson and mp5 adjusted thompson recoil to be slightly more predictable
12 Months Ago
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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