6,112 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.07cph!
reverted door/hatch blunt protection change due to unforeseen complications
fence flame resistance increased
flame turret performance improvements
flame turret exploit fixes
pool leak fix (thanks bawng)
fixed flame turret damage going through walls sometimes
fixed orders of many menu options
drastically reduced cost of most signage
slightly decreased size of flame turret
lowered ambient flame turret volume
corn/pumpkin no longer ignore melee attacks
fix for ft shutting off every 5 seconds for one frame
I have no idea what I am doing
compile fix
can place lanterns on small boxes
arrow trails no longer bright white at night
most ammo stacks to 128 now (rifle/pistol)
bone armor cost reduced
deer mask cost reduced
rebalanced scale of wall light effects
wall light wax fake subsurface scattering toggles with light
lanterns/ceilinglights/walllights can only be accessed if building privileged
no more minor damage when fully protected from radiation (radsuit)
fixed bounds on plants
dead plants stick around longer and can be hacked down
each clone attempt loses 10% genetics
cleaver does slightly more damage and has a higher attack radius (on par with mace)
▋▅█▇▉█▄ ▇▉▅▌ (▇▊▌▅▉▇▇▅▄ ▄▊▅▇▍▄▌▉▍▉)
disabled shell protection on ladder hatch
removed 60 second suicide delay for admins
waterballs more intelligently distribute water
planters require less trips to saturate soil
LiquidContainers can only fill buckets/bottles from their tap
fixed water barrel particle effects
plants properly restore their age on load
plant hydration-color reworked
fixed stacking bug with harvesting
reduced cost of bone knife
quartered arrow crafting time
halved bolt/ak/sar/smg/sap/thompson crafting time
lowered beartrap crafting time
lowered autoturret crafting time
F1 grenade is mainly antipersonnel now, barely any construction damage
F1 grenade much cheaper and doesn't require a spring
F1 grenade quicker throw time/snappier feeling
slightly nerfed meat food items
buffed corn/pumpkin food yield
visual plant hydration via tinting
reworked plant water yield - needs x mls over y time to produce z yield multiplier
reworked clone yield - always 2, extras from healthy (hydrated) plants
Larger, easier to see holosight reticle (including during day)
Larger, easier to see holosight reticle (including during day)
slightly reduced cost of waterpipe shotgun
reduced cost of double barrel (one less pipe)
removed gear cost from landmine
reduced blade cost of metal barricade
reduced stone cost of stone/concrete barricades
oil barrels also produce a small amount of low grade fuel in addition to crude
reduced recycler volume slightly but increased audible radius
python slightly more accurate
python slightly less aim sway
python slightly higher firerate
damage balance for python
limit clones per cutting to 5
first pass of cloning plants
crossbow cheaper
p250 does same damage up close and less damage far away
python increased damage/range
python slots
fixed hemp turning brown when picked
python fixes
python first pass implementation
manifest et al
debug removal