userJarryd Campicancel

201 Commits over 184 Days - 0.05cph!

2 Years Ago
Tweaked ore/wood gather tea bonus calculation to give a consistent amount of resources for each node This will give 1-5 less resources per node (eg. Jackhammering a stone ore node with pure ore tea active will now give 1500 stone per node instead of 1501-1505)
2 Years Ago
Modular cars take 4x as long to decay by default (ModularCar.outsidedecayminutes 216->864)
2 Years Ago
If a belt item is equipped when opening the inventory that item will be automatically selected
2 Years Ago
Removed slot 8 input bind (can't equip anything in slot 8) Renamed slot 7 bind to "Holster item", deselects whatever you have equipped (bound to the 7 key by default) Update options menu with updated binds
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Change vehicleDismountHoldTime default to 0 (dismount behaviour should be unchanged by default from last month) Exposed hold time as a slider in the options menu under the Controls section
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Fixed being able to report the same player too often
2 Years Ago
Save T2 and T3 tech trees to generate input and output data, fixes branch cost display not working on those workbenches Fix incorrect cost calculation
2 Years Ago
Change default vehicle hold dismount time to 0.25 (was 0.5) This is saved so any existing staging players will stay at 0.5
2 Years Ago
Fix error when exiting tech tree while holding mouse to unlock tech
2 Years Ago
Better text sizing on repair cost indicator
2 Years Ago
Fixed total required scrap displaying incorrectly when first opening the tech tree
2 Years Ago
Tech tree panel layout tweak
2 Years Ago
Fixed missing arrow icon on tool cupboard storage Can right click construction items will to insert them into the tool cupboard
2 Years Ago
Fixed typo on "ent who"
2 Years Ago
Hide repair indicator if the hammer is unequipped while the UI is open
2 Years Ago
Better list name when transferring player loot
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Fixed vehicleDismountHoldTime rename from earlier
2 Years Ago
Fixed missing source item field on sam sites, fixes name appearing incorrectly when holding a wire tool
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Rename global.dismountHoldTime to global.vehicleDismountHoldTime Remove global.quickDismount convar, just set global.vehicleDismountHoldTime to 0 to achieve the same thing
2 Years Ago
Fixed research bench panel preventing researching an item once it's been researched
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Pattern boomer shells will no longer display user made patterns when censor signs is set to true (shows a random burst instead)
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Fixed map icons flickering at the wrong size for a frame when opening the map
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Fixed missing player id on report screen Can no longer report a specific player more than once every three minutes
2 Years Ago
Added a keybind to trigger the focus map button on the map screen (unset by default)
2 Years Ago
Merge from mutelist
2 Years Ago
Merge from autowalk
2 Years Ago
Added a warning if the selected item is already researched at the research table Refactored panel logic to use less nesting
2 Years Ago
Don't prioritise the last attacker in the assign to friend auth menu (turrets/bags)
2 Years Ago
Merge from main
2 Years Ago
Fixed RustButtons staying hovered if they are disabled in their OnRelease event (will need testing)
2 Years Ago
Expand tool storage in tool cupboard to 4 slots, can now store wire tool and hose tool
2 Years Ago
Update text on contacts sorting UI
2 Years Ago
Hide the cancel button on the loading screen when respawning
2 Years Ago
Server compile fix
2 Years Ago
Merge from kill_looting
2 Years Ago
Pick the cheapest path to the target tech when displaying the required scrap to unlock a tech
2 Years Ago
Fix icon disappearing on tool cupboard loot panel, added some text to explain slots
2 Years Ago
Added two extra inventory slots to the tool cupboard that will only accept the hammer, planner and toolgun UI still needs a little work
2 Years Ago
Patrol helicopter icon
2 Years Ago
Can now left click and hold a tech on the tech tree to unlock it (1s)
2 Years Ago
Show much scrap is in the players inventory on the tech tree UI Show how much scrap is required to unlock the given item, including the cost of any locked items further up the tree
2 Years Ago
Add a map marker for the patrol helicopter