8,351 Commits over 3,957 Days - 0.09cph!
Cargoship scene prep
Unsaved junkyard file
Cargoship & shipping container decal spec weirdness fixes.
Junkyard volumes & S2P
Related prefab fixes
Organized the junkyard scene to make it easier to work with
Fixed the ragdoll debug scene
VFX files for later
Some cleanup.
Finished Oil Rig 2 & S2P
Various prefab fixery.
Better world scale on the generic diffusion profiles.
few vfx test files for later use
Oil rig 2 backup.
Fixed borked prefab
b9 project version
Alarm optimization.
S2P Big Rig.
Remaining Big Oil Rig relight
Prefab fixes
Final rig sub-level
Lowered punctual light cap back down.
More Oil Rig.
Raised max punctual light capacity a bit to keep edit time viewport from bugging out.
Remaining MilTun & S2P
Prefab fixes
Scene backup.
Softened the red wall2 light & its emissive texture
Monument scene setup variant prefab.