
6,195 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.07cph!

4 Years Ago
"time before reset" works for prop_door_rotating Keep velocity for trigger_teleport Also adjusted trigger_teleport "Teleport relatively" to not reset Z axis.
4 Years Ago
Make pressing Space in noclip work like it does in GMod Autodoc for some UserInput properties Fixed minor regression with door entities
4 Years Ago
Invert inventory scrolling
4 Years Ago
Remove VScript kvs/inputs from Hammer Added func_brush in C# with cleaned up hammer kvs
4 Years Ago
Make FuncDoor.Locked public
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Implemented Locked state for doors Adds Lock/Unlock inputs, respects StartLocked spawnflag, OnLockedUse output Doors now also fire OnFullyClosed, OnOpen and OnClose
4 Years Ago
Better Entity.ToString c# MapIO debug + visualizer thing (cvar and a console button) FuncButton: DelayBeforeReset 0 doesn't act as -1
4 Years Ago
Make r_portalscloseall consistent with main branch
4 Years Ago
Update SDL2 to v2.0.14 Should fix plugging in a new audio device crashing the game Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fixed native filesystem not following symlinks when searching for files
4 Years Ago
Fixed NoMoving buttons not firing OnIn/Out Fixed NoMoving buttons not respecting reset time Fixed view interpolation doing funny when teleporting the player setpos now also has arguments for angles (used by getpos)
4 Years Ago
Reimplemented getpos/setpos/setang in C#
4 Years Ago
TTT: language file update again (Community)
4 Years Ago
Potential crash fix for ragdoll physics
4 Years Ago
Potential crash fix with ragdolls
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Fixed crash issue with npc_antlionguard Disable material cache clearing for now
4 Years Ago
Triggers now have OnStart/EndTouch Fixed Toggle input on trigger entities Fixed trigger entities firing their OnTrigger output every "wait" seconds, now do so only when first walked into Autodoc for TraceResult Added basic trigger_teleport
4 Years Ago
Fixed damage less than 1 being treated as 0
4 Years Ago
Fix implementation of Mathx.CeilToInt Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fix NetworkClass warning
4 Years Ago
Fixed reliance of Super DoF on the sandbox gamemode (Community Contribution) TTT: tune shotgun headshot damage (Community Contribution) TTT: give shotgun very small accuracy boost (Community Contribution) TTT: show language names correctly in menu (Community Contribution)
4 Years Ago
Fixed clientside player velocity for non local players being jittery and incorrect when standing on something moving
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Basic explosion effect for testing, applied to rust barrel
4 Years Ago
Move Physics objects when teleporting entities Fixes dying in Sandbox when respawning or teleporting the player Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fixed more crash issue with npc_barnacle when its tongue entity gets deleted
4 Years Ago
Display a message when Steam is not running, don't crash
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Added basic permissions system/library, currently used only for askconnect dialog
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
nullptr safeguards for mcore rendering do not recompute snapshots when clearing materials on disconnect
4 Years Ago
Physics damage is scaled with velocity, not static (the scaling should probably be tweaked)
4 Years Ago
Maps without a spawnpoint no longer throw an exception, but a warning
4 Years Ago
Fixed a crash in particle editor when trying to preview a particle that failed to preview Fixed a crash with Inspector tool and float data types
4 Years Ago
Make Steamworks.SteamClient.IsValid is correct without Steam Make sure Steamworks.SteamClient.IsValid is correct without Steam running
4 Years Ago
Handle Steam not running better
4 Years Ago
Make sure soundsystem_lowlevel is rebuilt Fixes crashes with the soundsystem when enabling a new sound device, possibly other crashes
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Removed debug output from when removing unused materials
4 Years Ago
Fixed models not being flushed on level changes/disconnects when not hosting a local game (i.e. in multiplayer in general) mat_dumpmaterials now has an optional argument to hide refcount 0 materials A better approach to handling unmounted materials erroring (which causes severe performance loss when such materials are trying to render) - We now properly delete those from internal cached material list on map unload/load gma.MountGMA now also clears list of missing materials
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Do not mark already subscribed addons as "from server" and do not unmount them on map shutdown
4 Years Ago
Fixed duplicator library's Min/Max calculations Fixed duplicator tool's bounding box going away on death even though a dupe is still active
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fixed some constraint library functions (such as HasConstraints, GetAllConstrainedEntities, etc) not functioning with the world entity Fixed gmsave library (Spawnmenu save system) not saving constraints that are attached to the world entity on both ends (such as ropes)