branchGarrys Mod/maincancel

3,055 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.04cph!

5 Years Ago
Delete Entity.GetEntityToWorldTransformMatrix Entity.GetParentToWorldTransformMatrix => Entity.GetParentWorldTransformMatrix to match existing Entity.GetWorldTransformMatrix
5 Years Ago
Added Entity.GetParentToWorldTransformMatrix and Entity.GetEntityToWorldTransformMatrix
5 Years Ago
serverlist.AddCurrentServerToFavorites uses proper appid
5 Years Ago
RCON no longer accepts and reads from clients when there is no password set on the server RCON will drop connections that try to send too much data
5 Years Ago
Correct Bass.dll error code to string definitions
5 Years Ago
Update bass.dll to a SUPER SECRET version for potential crash fix
5 Years Ago
Fixed a crash issue with weapon_striderbuster
5 Years Ago
surface.CreateFont's maximum size is now 255 (from 128)
5 Years Ago
DHorizontalScroller no longer errors when its children are missing the ApplySchemeSettings hook definition
5 Years Ago
HandleAnimEvent now works for "ai" NPCs too
5 Years Ago
Adjusted 3rd person seating positions for Jalopy and Crane models
5 Years Ago
merge from prerelease (npc_barnacle/language changes)
5 Years Ago
prop_vehicle_crane is now considered a vehicle by Lua
5 Years Ago
Use HTML over DHTML for ToS and Privacy Policy popups
5 Years Ago
Updated language files
5 Years Ago
Added Entity.GetEntityInUse
5 Years Ago
Certain player weapons (hl1, bugbait, etc) are no longer removed on map cleanup
5 Years Ago
Entity.LookupAttachment returns 0 instead of nil for entities marked for deletion
5 Years Ago
Removed CurTime from "Downloaded X of X Lua files" loading screen message Force net_maxroutable to its default value on level init to hopefully fix getting stuck on the loading screen
5 Years Ago
Reset active gamemode on client after exiting a server
5 Years Ago
Update TTt
5 Years Ago
DCategoryList.SetBackgroundColor now has an effect
5 Years Ago
lua_error_url is reset when player starts a local multiplayer game
5 Years Ago
clientside Lua errors will no longer be sent to servers from previous client connection lua_error_url will receve the proper GMod version instead of being 167 at all times.
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Fixed size variables for some addon filesystem stuff to match gmad/gmpublish
5 Years Ago
Gmad - auto ignore thumbs.db and desktop.ini
5 Years Ago
Updated VRAD to the latest TF2 version we have (Feb 2016) StaticProp lightmaps are currently disabled
5 Years Ago
Clientside only sents now have their proper classname
5 Years Ago
Basic support for clientside only entities, anim sents only Added ents.CreateClientside
5 Years Ago
Fix auto hl2_episodic 1/0
5 Years Ago
More reliably call OnEntityCreated on client mostly for players
5 Years Ago
OnEntityCreated is called when one would expect it to be called - when the entity is created
5 Years Ago
Added env_wind.SetWindDir( int )
5 Years Ago
DoImpactEffect for ANIM entities
5 Years Ago
npc_metropoilce will acknowlegde existence of multiple players in multiplayer.
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
fixed variable sizes for gmpublish.exe
5 Years Ago
Gmad.exe - Use fixed size variables
5 Years Ago
Updated nodegraphs for gm_construct and gm_flatgrass
5 Years Ago
DFileBrowser has an example in derma_controls Added DHorizontalScroller.GetCanvas, ScrollToChild, SetScroll DPropertySheet tabs can be right clicked to quickly switch between tabs when they overflow DPropertySheet's width Minor changes to Spawnicon editor - tab icons, performance
5 Years Ago
file.* functions automatically remove double or more consecutive slashes
5 Years Ago
file.Open only forces lowercase for writing and reading from the data folder, file.Rename also forces lowercase (both arguments)
5 Years Ago
Error and ErrorNoHalt no longer have the 512 character limit
5 Years Ago
Force file.Open paths to be lowercase for both reading and writing
5 Years Ago
Better handle unknown Windows languages
5 Years Ago
Updated TTT Updated ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer() yet again
5 Years Ago
Added ENT.MaxWorldTipDistance and improved implementation of ENT:BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer (Community contrib)
5 Years Ago
Added PathFollower.PriorSegment Added PathFollower.NextSegment
5 Years Ago
Added DNumberWang.Set/GetInterval (Community Contrib)