branchGarrys Mod/maincancel

3,055 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.04cph!

9 Years Ago
* Fix linux compile error + merge a bunch of schweet minor clientside stuff
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
* Bump Steam.inf version so I don't forget to do it later * IP ban some naughty server
9 Years Ago
* Fixed yet another DDoS exploit * Added ISteamUGC to IGet * Moved some steamworks.* Lua functions to ISteamUGC
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Fixed a client crash issue with some crap ragdoll models ( unreasonable position )
9 Years Ago
Uncheat Gravity Gun convars
9 Years Ago
Unlink on linux, DUMBO
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
* Fixed yet another security exploit ( Thanks Python1320 ) * Fixed scripted entity names being restricted to 32 characters. ( Now restricted to 64 )
9 Years Ago
Update english localization for tools with typo fixes
9 Years Ago
* Finish removing Steam.dll dependency ( oops ) * Added possible ragdoll related physics crash prevention/fix * Added support for Steam game server accounts * Added font name to the "There was an error creating the font!" * Updated localization files
9 Years Ago
Fixed that _snprintf safe bullshit
9 Years Ago
* Got rid of unneccesary Steam.dll dependency * Added some version of gm_construct original .vmf source * Added -noworkshop command line parameter * Updated newlines for some files in vpc_scripts/ as per Valve
9 Years Ago
Updated Steamworks API to latest version
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
* Added 6 missing silkicons * Added mapcycle.txt * Merged some minor engine changes
9 Years Ago
* Fixed Vehicle.SetPos * Fixed unhandled usermessage 21 * Updated propdata.txt to contain Episodic stuff * Moved some files from garrysmod.vpk to fallbacks.vpk ( HLS gibs, Alyx Gun epsodic sounds ) * Removed soundscapes from fallbacks, they are all shipped in garrysmod.vpk now
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
* Added Vehicle.IsValid - returns whether the actual VEHICLE is valid or not * Added Vehicle.SetPos( vector ) - Actually working SetPos for vehicles * Updated internal Get_Vehicle to not let through invalid vehicles
9 Years Ago
Improved AI player detection in multiplayer
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Merged some vpcs, let's see what difference this makes
9 Years Ago
Goddamn Linux
9 Years Ago
Fix compile error
9 Years Ago
* Fixed gravity gun not calling OnFailedPhysGunPickup on any entity * Fixed not being able to grab a Magnusson Device from Jalopy's back * Fixed Japoly's radar and added multiplayer support * Added ismatrix * Entity.RestartGesture() is not serverside only ( It never did anything on client ) * Entity.SetWeaponModel()'s Weapon argument is now optional * Added 2 new parameters for Entity.RestartGesture - autokill = true, addIfMissing = true * Added a bunch new functions for gesture/layered sequence stuff
9 Years Ago
Enabled a some EP2 Alyx stuff - Entering Jalopy, etc., Fixes d3_breen01 map getting stuck
9 Years Ago
* Fixed Combine Mine leaving looping sound behind if removed while the sound is playing * Fixed a bug with Bugbait and Grenade weapons where you can have both stuck in unusable state * Fixed SF_TRIG_TOUCH_DEBRIS not working in any tigger entity * Fixed Weapon.GetActivity() not returning any values * Added Weapon.GetWeaponViewModel() - returns string * Added Weapon.GetWeaponWorldModel() - returns string * Added Weapon.GetWeight() - returns int * Added Weapon.HasAmmo() - returns bool * Added Weapon.AllowsAutoSwitchTo() - returns bool * Added Weapon.AllowsAutoSwitchFrom() - returns bool
9 Years Ago
* Added new soundscript stuff from TF2 update & new map icons * Added CreateParticleSystem( Entity e, string eff, int PartAttachment, int EntAttachment = 0, Vector offset = 0 ) - returns CNewParticleEffect * Added CNewParticleEffect.IsValid() * Added CNewParticleEffect.SetControlPoint( int cpID, Vector offset ) * Added CNewParticleEffect.SetControlPointOrientation( int cpID, Vector fwd, Vector right, Vector up ) * Added CNewParticleEffect.SetSortOrigin( Vector origin ) * Added CNewParticleEffect.GetEffectName() - Returns string * Added CNewParticleEffect.StartEmission( bInfiniteOnly = false ) * Added CNewParticleEffect.StopEmission( bInfiniteOnly = false, bRemoveAllParticles = false, bWakeOnStop = false ) * Added CNewParticleEffect.GetOwner() - returns entity from CreateParticleSystem * Added CNewParticleEffect.AddControlPoint( int cpID, Entity ent, int PartAttachment, int EntAttachment = 0, Vector offset = 0 ) * Added CNewParticleEffect.StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately()
9 Years Ago
* GitSync
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
* Fixed combine mines not detecting players in Single Player ( And player in the last player slot in multiplayer ) * Fixed util.TraceLine and Entity:FireBullets not hitting player hitboxes outside of their hull if there is a prop behind said hitbox
9 Years Ago
Fix swimming animations ( oops )
9 Years Ago
* Updated All NPC/AI weapons except for Crossbow * Increased precision of Integers for util.KeyValuesToTable
9 Years Ago
* Fixed some soundscapes being removed when cleanin up the map
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
Moved some GModDataPack Warnings to DevWarnings to prevent exploit
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
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