branchGarrys Mod/maincancel

3,055 Commits over 2,983 Days - 0.04cph!

9 Years Ago
* Fixed trace functions not being able to use MASK_ALL * Added CRecipientFilter.AddRecipientsByTeam * Added CRecipientFilter.RemoveRecipientsByTeam * Added CRecipientFilter.RemoveRecipientsNotOnTeam * Added bViewCheck to debugoverlay.Text (4th arg) * Added debugoverlay.Grid( Vector ) * Added debugoverlay.ScreenText( x, y, txt, duration, clr ) ( x/y 0-1 ) * Added debugoverlay.Triangle( vec1, vec2, vec3, duration, clr, ignorez ) * Added debugoverlay.SweptBox( vStart, vEnd, vMins, vMaxs, dur, clr ) * Added debugoverlay.EntityTextAtPosition( pos, line, txt, durat, clr ) * Merged some minor hl2source stuff, its like really nothing
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Fixed a few missing/incorrect enums: TYPE_ and TEXT_ALIGN_
9 Years Ago
* Fixed some turret sounds not being cleaned up on remove
9 Years Ago
Fixed a multiplayer issue with CTriggerCamera
9 Years Ago
* GitSync
9 Years Ago
* Fixed a multiplayer crash issue with combine auto cannon on ep2_outland_09 * Limited engine.LightStyle to values that do not crash the game ( 0-63 )
9 Years Ago
More friendly Steam API failure error messages
9 Years Ago
* Make GMod repo use latest Bootil repo changeset * Updated the DirectX out of date popup to allow the user to try to launch the game anyway * Added "body" and "type" for HTTP() * Added PathFollower:GetAllSegments() * Added CNavArea.GetExtentInfo() * Added "AllSolid" to trace result
9 Years Ago
* Bumped Steam.inf version * Fixed model indices above 2048 not networking to clients properly
9 Years Ago
* GitSync
9 Years Ago
* Added Player.AnimSetGestureSequence( slot, seq ) * -noworkshop now also prevents SteamAPI from being initialized too soon on dedicated servers
9 Years Ago
* Fixed debugoverlay spamming dedicated server console to oblivion * Added CNavLadder.Get/SetBottomArea( CNavArea ) * Added CNavLadder.Get/SetTopBehindArea( CNavArea ) * Added CNavLadder.Get/SetTopForwardArea( CNavArea ) * Added CNavLadder.Get/SetTopLeftArea( CNavArea ) * Added CNavLadder.Get/SetTopRightArea( CNavArea )
9 Years Ago
* Fixed "destination group" problem in multiplayer with npc_template_maker * Added CNavArea.SetParent( CNavArea, type ) * Added CNavArea.GetParent() - returns CNavArea * Added CNavArea.GetParentHow() - returns NavTraverseType * Added CNavArea.ClearSearchLists() * Added CNavArea.SetTotalCost( float ) * Added CNavArea.AddToOpenList() * Added CNavArea.GetTotalCost() - returns float * Added CNavArea.IsOpenListEmpty() * Added CNavArea.PopOpenList() - returns CNavArea * Added CNavArea.IsBlocked() * Added CNavArea.IsOpen() * Added CNavArea.IsClosed() * Added CNavArea.RemoveFromClosedList() * Added CNavArea.UpdateOnOpenList() * Added CNavArea.AddToClosedList() * Added CNavLadder.ConnectTo( CNavArea )
9 Years Ago
* Improved Addons main menu.. menu - Per tag browsing for friends items, hide dupes/saves from all listings * Addon extration is now properly displayed on the workshop downloader * Updated language files * Update Bootil to fix that one problem with addon folders locking up * GitSync
9 Years Ago
* Fixed Entity.IsRagdoll not working properly on client * Added extra debug output for BASS.DLL Initialization * Added test BASS.DLL config to hopefully help with weird "mp3s dont load with error 41" cases * Cleaned up some inconsistencies in lua_entity.cpp
9 Years Ago
* Bumped steam.inf version * Increased model precache limit to its TF2 4000 limit * Fixed buildcubemaps for real this time
9 Years Ago
* gui.SetMousePos and input.SetCursorPos no longer work while the game is not focused * system.HasFocus now also works on Linux and OSX ( needs testing ) on client * GitSync
9 Years Ago
* Fixed a crash with trigger_hurt
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
I guess fix potential netadr_t::IsReservedAdr() exploit/bug
9 Years Ago
* Fixed not being able to join a LAN server * Fixed npc_manhack not triggering npc_maker/npc_template_maker's OnAllSpawnedDead output * Fixed a server crash caused by combine_mine changes in last update * Restored CRecipientFilter.RemovePAS()
9 Years Ago
* Fixed clientside SteamID spoofing * Switched spammy serverside console output to DevWarnings * Attempted blind crash for for TestHitboxes crash
9 Years Ago
Fixed the "steam id 0 fake players inflate server player count" exploit
9 Years Ago
▄ ▌▆▋▆█▄ ▋█ █▌▉█▅ ▉▅▌█+▋
9 Years Ago
* Added mat_viewportupscale to blocked convar list * Temporarily removed CRecipientFilter.RemovePAS
9 Years Ago
* Reduce worhless & confusing srcds console output for workshop * Fixed a crash issue with "quit" commands on srcds when having workshop addons installed
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Remove debug output
9 Years Ago
Remove old ip ban stuff
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Attempt to fix OSX #2
9 Years Ago
▅▊▄▅'▉ ▋▊▄▊ ▌█ ▄▅▋█▉▉ ▄▉▋▋
9 Years Ago
Try to fix Awesomium on OSX
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
* GitSync
9 Years Ago
▊█▍ ▅▋▌▋ ▊▉▅ ▄▋▉▆▇▍▇
9 Years Ago
* Fixed Saves/Dupes exploit ( github ) * Fixed a crash on disconnect
9 Years Ago
test #2 - fix singleplayer potentially
9 Years Ago
▆▋▍▄ ▋▅▇▆▄ █▉▇█ ▊█ ▄█▌▇▍▇▆▌▋▇. ▅▍ ▉▍▅▇ ▆ ▇▌▊▇▆▉ ▆▅▉ ▊▄ ▇█▋▄▊ ▄▊▌▊. + ▄▌▄▍▌▅▋
9 Years Ago
▋▇▍▆▅▊▊ ▌▇▇▆▍▄▍, ▉▌█▉▉▉ ▄▌▅▋ ▉▋ ▍▅ ▌▋▆▉▊▌ ▊▆▌▌
9 Years Ago
▆▊▊█▉▉▅▇ █▋▍▋▊█▆█▍▅▉.▍▆▄ ▇▅▊█▋▌, ▅▉ ▊▌▄ ▍▄▆▋ ▉▋▅▇▌▅▇ ▊▉▍▇▇ + █▍█▄ ▋▌▅▇▉.▋▅▋ ▆▆▍▄▅▋▋
9 Years Ago
* ▍▇▍▇▊ █▅▌▉▄▊.▋▌▅ ▉▅▊▋▌██ * ▆▌▆▉▆ ▉▇▉▋▍▆▊▅▅▊▅ ▊▇▆▆▇▇▇ * ▇█▄█▆ ▊▄▉ ▊▊▊▊█▊▌ █▍▋▆▋▄ █▅▋▄▍▍ ▄▇▉▆▄▍█
9 Years Ago
* Fixed some NPCs not leaving bodies behind
9 Years Ago
* Fixed a buffer overflow exploit with CreateMaterial ( Thanks ogniK )
9 Years Ago
Attempt fix Linux packaging issue
9 Years Ago
Uhh, try to fix the linux thing
9 Years Ago
* Removed steam_linux * Fixed crash issue with PathSegment functions * Fixed (Lua errors?) printing twice on Linux srcds * Added CNewParticleEffect.__tostring() and other methods * Added Entity.StopAndDestroyParticles() * Added Entity.StopParticlesNamed( string, bool removenow = false ) * Added Entity.StopParticlesWithNameAndAttachment( string, int attachment, bool removenow = false ) * Entity.CreateParticleEffect() now returns the particle object it creates
9 Years Ago
* Fixed a server crashing exploit * "Cannot update control point" is not DevWarning * Attempted fix for Linux/OSX checkboxes in Awesomium
9 Years Ago
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