userTony Fergusoncancel

866 Commits over 609 Days - 0.06cph!

5 Months Ago
Write a bullshit weapon component class ViewModel class Add CameraController, hook up PlayerController to CharacterController, add ComponentNotFoundException Add Client Expose Client properties so I can see them in the editor
5 Months Ago
Update .gitignore Add testing scene Create WeaponDataResource to hold basic info & prefabs for weapons
5 Months Ago
Tidy up ready to start on scene stuff
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Play around with inertia easing
8 Months Ago
Add ViewModelSetup.InertiaDampening property
8 Months Ago
Remove debug log :flushed:
8 Months Ago
Part of inertia w/ dampening (aim_yaw_inertia, aim_pitch_inertia) Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight
8 Months Ago
Set up b_sprint parameter in prep for max's sprint anims
8 Months Ago
Use GunfightCamera.Target everywhere so spectating is more accurate
8 Months Ago
Support loadout system working without a gamemode set Fixed friendly fire error when not playing on a gamemode Give bots the default loadout Try pieceing together the spectator system
8 Months Ago
Show return button on all pages of class modal
8 Months Ago
Fixed up thirdperson mode
8 Months Ago
Fixed a bunch of other NREs found from the errors page on AP
8 Months Ago
Fix WeaponViewer NRE Fix FFAGamemode.OnGameStateChanged NRE Fix GameStatus NRE
8 Months Ago
Further balance to slide
8 Months Ago
Can't aim while holstering
8 Months Ago
Add holster angle offset, reduced time taken to switch to your sideram
8 Months Ago
Fixed FFA error spam Try to make sliding a bit more snappy, add slide cancelling :grimacing:
8 Months Ago
Save custom class when setting it as an active class New class modal style
8 Months Ago
Don't allow multiple attachments to be active if they're in the same category
8 Months Ago
Redo team scoring system, should fix winner decision logic. Remove use of INetworkSerializer while we're at it
8 Months Ago
Add WeaponViewer.FlipYaw, use for KillFeedEntry
8 Months Ago
Redone KillFeed to provide clients and weapon info, use WeaponViewer to show weapon image instead of name, add IsHeadshot Assume a death that isn't from a weapon as suicide for now
8 Months Ago
Add WeaponDefinition.EmptyReloadTime
8 Months Ago
Loading screen adjustments
8 Months Ago
Fixed GunfightWeapon NRE on death Sorted out ammo text wrap bug Changed SwitchWeapon action bind from Q to 2
8 Months Ago
Fixed loadout sys starting the player on their secondary weapon
8 Months Ago
Fixed Loading Screen not fetching map correctly - also support finding map from Game.Server.MapIdent
8 Months Ago
Fixed holster fucking up weapon deploy on next respawn
8 Months Ago
Reduced base menu UI scale
8 Months Ago
Add MatchmakingSystem.CreateLobby, add quick-start to matchmaking page GameServerFrame low-res improvements
8 Months Ago
Trace from eyepos to vault end pos to make sure we can't jump through world geometry and shit like that
8 Months Ago
Add test NoclipMechanic
8 Months Ago
Make player loadout assignment safer
8 Months Ago
Set b_empty param properly on all weapons
8 Months Ago
Use two-handed USP anims
8 Months Ago
Reduced annoyance of player movement sounds / weapon switching sounds / jump and land sounds
8 Months Ago
Improved button style & hover state of WeaponCard Show selected class clearly Class Modal style update
8 Months Ago
Update landing page and pause menu
8 Months Ago
Remove spammy bodygroup logs
8 Months Ago
Show create a class for everyone
8 Months Ago
Disable VaultMoveMechanic for now - too many exploits
8 Months Ago
Create a class list is horizontal instead ClassCard creates two WeaponViewers to show primary & secondary at a glance Moved Create New Class button to be separate from the class list
8 Months Ago
More UI position adjusting, xp bar width, opacity, blend-mode
8 Months Ago
Moved hints around so they don't clash with each other
8 Months Ago
Improved cover aim eye height
8 Months Ago
Refactor Ammo component to accept a weapon property. Remove unused actions, add SwitchWeapon action
8 Months Ago
Remove old loadout system, replace with custom classes, gamemodes can define default class
8 Months Ago
Experiment: Use gamepad gyro for aiming (will probably make this handheld only but we'll see)