
12,532 Commits over 3,806 Days - 0.14cph!

10 Years Ago
Even more refactoring Made SpawnHandler a lot more generic Added biome and forest getters to TerrainMeta Fixed a few minor inconsistencies in TerrainMath
10 Years Ago
More refactoring
10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE in AI code
10 Years Ago
Added resource layer to collision_setup masks
10 Years Ago
Tweaked bush spawns and billboard lighting
10 Years Ago
Extended TerrainMath by world space getters Refactored TerrainMath and TerrainMeta Optimized initial resource spawn performance
10 Years Ago
Added all layers to spawn handler placement check mask
10 Years Ago
Tweaked rock spawns
10 Years Ago
Fixed GameManager ignoring adjusted per-prefab probabilities in some overloads
10 Years Ago
Fixed bug in DecorPatch that caused clusters to spawn outside the patch bounds Made a few things to prefabs that were per-scene objects up until now Tried more rock spawn experiments
10 Years Ago
Removed NetworkSleep from rock prefabs (they're not entities)
10 Years Ago
Dialed back bush count a little (I think I went a little overboard there)
10 Years Ago
Made rocks spawn dynamically around player (reduced loading time and memory usage, triggers some PhysX refreshes though)
10 Years Ago
Added an insane amount of rocks Added placement check layer mask to the resource spawner
10 Years Ago
Added resource layer, put all resources on that layer and added it to the wolf obstacle mask
10 Years Ago
Fixed copy & paste fail
10 Years Ago
Added TransformUtil overloads that take a LayerMask
10 Years Ago
Removed world layer from water reflection, it'll kill us with the new amount of rocks
10 Years Ago
Reorganized some texture locations
10 Years Ago
Moved all of the new world prefabs to the world layer
10 Years Ago
Updated rock prefabs (still needs work) Added min/max rotation and offset to decor spawn system
10 Years Ago
Added SeedRandom.Value (returns 0-1)
10 Years Ago
Moved test rock group to its own folder, it'll need more advanced handling
10 Years Ago
Added prefabs for all the forests
10 Years Ago
Fixed that poor tree having no textures
10 Years Ago
Improved billboard lighting
10 Years Ago
Fixed decor normal alignment and added position offset if specified in the prefab
10 Years Ago
Removed old rock prefabs, moved new rock prefabs to their correct locations
10 Years Ago
Forest 3 prefab tweaks
10 Years Ago
Fixed trees being invisible (requires server restart) Added correct prefab name to mushroom prefabs Removed old tree prefabs (base assets are still in backup folder if you need them)
10 Years Ago
Added construction layer to wolf obstacle mask
10 Years Ago
Tweaked sky day-night progression curve
10 Years Ago
Moved LINQ extensions to LinqEx
10 Years Ago
Moved some transform extensions from TransformUtil to TransformEx Moved some vector extensions from TransformUtil to VectorEx
10 Years Ago
Added terrain forest enum
10 Years Ago
Time of Day update to 2.1.0 prerelease 5
10 Years Ago
Moved some utility components to their correct folder
10 Years Ago
Added TerrainBiome info, enum and struct
10 Years Ago
Added MaxIndex extension method
10 Years Ago
Added or updated approximately 3 million meta files
10 Years Ago
I think we don't want the art scene folder on main
10 Years Ago
Attempt to fix server-side NRE related to AI
10 Years Ago
Don't align animals to terrain normal on spawn
10 Years Ago
Added AIObstacle components to trees, ores, piles and building parts
10 Years Ago
Tweaked wolf prefab Updated AI test scene
10 Years Ago
Fixed cylinder obstacle closest point calculation y value being off
10 Years Ago
Fixed obstacle gizmos ignoring collider offset
10 Years Ago
Enabled AI in standalone build (revert this commit if shit gets fucked up)
10 Years Ago
Minor tweaks and fixes