5,912 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.06cph!
Merging .editorconfig from main/StandardCodeFormatting
██▇▊▉█▄ ▇▊▅██▇▉▆▆▌▇ ▅▆ ▅▊▄▉▇ ▍▇█▇▄█
Fixed paddling pool water being invisible inside canyons
Fixed above ground pool water being invisible inside canyons
▊▆▇▍▉ ▅▋▄▆ ▍█▆▅▌▋_▌▉▆█▋▄▋▋▅_▌
cave_small_hard terrain anchor fixes
cave_medium_hard terrain anchor tweaks to prevent it spawning too close to river
Added BuildOptions.CleanBuildCache back to our build options (removed this previously to reduce build time, test if this fixes our random build issues)
Subtracting S2P launch site (world_update_2 conflict)
Updating EAC setup / launcher
▅▍▆ ▉▍▄█▅▌▇▉ / ▊▍▌█▌ / █▍▆▅▇▋▇█▌▆▇▌▋ ██▅▇▋▇
Subtracting item pooling due to Item.MoveToContainer / Item.Save server NRE (too close to patch to attempt a fix)
Rebuilt native libraries with Debian 10 for backwards compatibility
██▊▅█ ▄█▉▇ ▉▄▅_▄▅▅▆▉_▊▋▉▊▉_▆▄▅, ▆▆▋▉▄ █▆▋▋▇▋▉▄▉▊ █▊▋▉█▋ ▆▆ ▍▍▌█▊▌▆ ▌▆ ▉▄▆▌▊▍▆ ▄▋█▆ ▋▇▊ █▅▄▅▄▌▊▊ (▇▍▄▋▉▅ ▍▊▌▉█ ▉▍ ▄▆▌▋▊█▉ ▊▇ ▍█)
Rebuilt native libraries using older Linux version for backwards compatibility
Removing "RECYCLER IN SAFE ZONE" spam at server startup
▌▍▋█▇ ▉▍▋▍▉▇ ▊▉▉▋█▅▄▍▋ ▍▋█▅▌▊█▆▆▍ ▆▍ ▍▍▉▆ ▉█▋▊▄█▊▅▉ ▅▊▌ ▌▊▄▋▊ ▋▋▅█▉▉▋▅ ▊█▄▆ ▇▋▊▄█▌▋'▇ ▇▊ ▉▅▇▉▋▍▊▇▊ ▌█ ▇▅▅ █▋▄▌▍█ █▍ ▊▌▆█▄▌█▋
Merge from arm64_native_libraries
101333 (introduced server issues)
Apple Silicon / ARM64 native libraries (allows everyone to use the Apple Silicon Unity editor)
Fixed cl_steps having its minimum changed from 32 to 16 and defaulting to 16 on the server, then sending that to the client
Removing BuildOptions.CleanBuildCache as a test (had issues on 2021 without this, giving it another go on 2022)
Burst upgrade 1.8.13 -> 1.8.15
Merge from teslacoil_igniter_damagepickup
Merge from item_drop_analytics_improvements
Merge from leantween_nre_fix
Unfucking foundation.triangle prefab (scary)
ConsoleSystem merge fixes
PingEstimater merge fixes
Merge from material_reserializer (not merging the materials in right now)
Merge from item_drop_analytics_improvements
Merge from fix_explosive_rotate_wall
Merge from fix_clipping_c4_through_walls
Merge from disable_ui_pooling_unity_2022
Merge from AttackHeliItemFix
Merge from nightlight_debugcamera
Merge from nightlight_workshop
Merge from fix_hover_loot_clothing_full_backpack
Merge from qol_drag_into_backpack
Merge from fix_hidesightmeshes_nre
Merge from ScientistEyeCheck
Merge from viewmodelrenderers
Merge from arrowhead_fixes