
151 Commits over 243 Days - 0.03cph!

3 Months Ago
Look deving broken wood floor on jungle floor pieces
3 Months Ago
Fixed decal mats on battering ram hardware, re-added decal component, deleted duplicate generated mat
3 Months Ago
Added jungle ruins stone floor textures
3 Months Ago
Added first pass jungle ruin floor kit. Updated assets gym with jungle ruin kits.
3 Months Ago
Collision pass on ruin walls. Fixes to prefab settings.
3 Months Ago
jungle ruins kit
3 Months Ago
Modular kit improvements to ruin wall kit (still WIP)
3 Months Ago
Modular kit improvements to ruin wall kit (still WIP)
4 Months Ago
Wall blend tests for ziggurat. More work on walkway kit. Set dressing.
4 Months Ago
Update to walkway kit
4 Months Ago
Added placeholder damaget to battering ram mats. Added damage script to entity. Added glass decals back.
4 Months Ago
Added placeholder damage and damage script to catapult
4 Months Ago
Committing walkway changes to switch branch
4 Months Ago
Working on jungle walkways
4 Months Ago
Merged siege weapons into jungle for material and texture reuse
4 Months Ago
Moved metal beam textures and materials to generic. Resuming work on jungle walkway kit.
4 Months Ago
Merge from main to jungle ruins
4 Months Ago
Merged battering ram gibs
4 Months Ago
Fixed offset battering ram scoop
4 Months Ago
Added missing texture maps for catapult. Added battering ram hardware gibs.
4 Months Ago
Fixed UV error on battering ram LOD. Added guide mesh and stage meshes for catapult. Fixed orientation of catapult gibs.
4 Months Ago
Fixed hole in one of the ram meshes, swapped scoop out in prefab
4 Months Ago
Added bespoke textures for removeable battering ram scoop. Added LODs for ram hardware.
4 Months Ago
Separated digger arm scoop to submesh
4 Months Ago
Fixed error on cable UVs
4 Months Ago
Desaturated catapult hook albedo
4 Months Ago
Polish to battering ram. Added decal components to entity.
4 Months Ago
Fixed gap in battering ram drivers seat
4 Months Ago
Updated fuel gauge position and seat position on battering ram
4 Months Ago
Moved steering wheel of battering ram forward (WIP). Secured some floating pulleys.
4 Months Ago
Raised steering wheel for animation test
4 Months Ago
Fixed pivots on driver cabin items
4 Months Ago
Separated assets for placeholder animation
4 Months Ago
Moved battering ram hardware out of placeholder folder
4 Months Ago
Added battering ram hardware to entity, updated models and materials
4 Months Ago
Updated battering ram hardware art
5 Months Ago
Added gibs to catapult. Changed catapult rust decals mat lookup.
5 Months Ago
Polish on catapult. Fixed missing material slot on catapult entity
5 Months Ago
Feedback and polish on catapult and textures
5 Months Ago
Reduced AO on catapult trims
5 Months Ago
Polish to catapult art. Added decal renderer to catapult prefab.
5 Months Ago
Changes to rope segments of catapult. Added transmission to parts that needed it.
5 Months Ago
Added catapult test meshes for Flavien
5 Months Ago
Orientation fix on catapult
5 Months Ago
Fixed catapult hierarchy
5 Months Ago
Colour adjustments and detail additions to catapult
5 Months Ago
Added arted-up catapult model, materials, and textures. Some tweaks pending.
6 Months Ago
Quick change to rear ratchet
6 Months Ago
Blockout of catapult (not functional yet)
6 Months Ago
More work on jungle ziggurat scene.