
96 Commits over 31 Days - 0.13cph!

5 Months Ago
Merged topology/build zone fixes
5 Months Ago
S2P harbor_1 and harbor_2
5 Months Ago
Enabled IsDynamic on crane rope ladder prefab (so it persists through entity save / load)
5 Months Ago
Merge from main
5 Months Ago
S2P harbor_1 and harbor_2
5 Months Ago
Merge from main (needs S2P, see next commit)
5 Months Ago
Ticked IsDynamic on rope ladder of the harbor1 crane S2P
5 Months Ago
Rebaked AO on the crane to make the inside slightly brighter
5 Months Ago
Harbor 1 and Harbor 2 scene2prefab
5 Months Ago
Slightly tweaked the prevent movement volume in habor_crane_base to make moveemnt smoother Tweaked the collider on crane_tower_hydraulic_cylinder_bottom to prevent player from getting stuck
5 Months Ago
Harbor 1 docking path set topology
5 Months Ago
Blocked two windows in harbor_1 with plywood to prevent players from looking inside the new buildings Scene2prefab
5 Months Ago
Harbor 1 / Harbor 2 scene2prefab Slightly moved one lootbarrel to prevent it from clipping with a crane
5 Months Ago
Added prevent movement volumes to all crane staircases
5 Months Ago
harbor 2 s2p
5 Months Ago
added missing fishing net collider to harbor2 floating containers area
5 Months Ago
s2p all
5 Months Ago
tweaked albedo for better lod popping
5 Months Ago
snow variants for checkpoint prefabs - was an outlier with roads having snow variants
5 Months Ago
updated collision to fit the model
5 Months Ago
removed erroneous screen mesh, set cctv desk to world layer
5 Months Ago
revised draw distances down and set layer to world for cctvmicrophone, phone, cctv controls, notepad
5 Months Ago
resized cctv controls texture to 1024
5 Months Ago
updated digital phone, cctv controller and mic textures, moved mesh lod script to child in each prefab, updated cctv desk textures
5 Months Ago
lower reach for industrial buildings environment volumes on the ground floor in a bid to keep ground prefabs snow free inside
5 Months Ago
fixed roads prefabs snowy variants LOD2 using temperate materials matched snowy roads color with snow splat
5 Months Ago
Harbor1: added a ladder volume on a container that should be climbable Harbor1: removed weird islet on the side
5 Months Ago
enabled read/write on the sat tube convex mesh environment volumes
5 Months Ago
Added environment volumes to loot rooms in oilrigs to prevent snowy props indoors
5 Months Ago
Added environment volumes to portacabins to prevent snowy props in them
5 Months Ago
fixed floating barrel in small rig
5 Months Ago
Reverted mesh lod changes :)
5 Months Ago
Ensure mesh renderer exists before setting LOD shadow casting mode
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Added boolean to allow cargo to dock to any harbor that it comes across
5 Months Ago
Allow repeat docking command
5 Months Ago
Added debug commands to dump cargo current state
5 Months Ago
command to print harbor indexes and positions
5 Months Ago
debug docking is now a server var
5 Months Ago
Harbor 1 and 2 scene to prefab to account for crane color changes
5 Months Ago
Made crane_dynamic_rotate and crane_static blue to differentiate them from pickup cranes Tweaked colors of the Kargo decal Added padding to the cargo decal to get rid of a bright halo against dark surfaces
5 Months Ago
small rig s2p
5 Months Ago
Fixed redcard and bluecard doors gaps in small rig
5 Months Ago
big rig s2p
5 Months Ago
accidentaly placed crates on a cover spot, removed the crates
5 Months Ago
big rig s2p
5 Months Ago
removed defending spot under cctv room doors to prevent AI scientists snafu
5 Months Ago
oilrigs s2p
5 Months Ago
fixed zfighting on cctv room desk paper fixed new rooms layers - now set to world
5 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect material inside cargoship interior