4,276 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.07cph!
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
bullet pattern can have blank bullets
Merge branch 'master' of
fire spinners stay around forever
f2 core pattern
tweaked nautilus powerups and splash
tweaked powerups for all stages
tweaked stage layout
New Facepunch.ExpressionStrings build
f2 big diamond pattern
f2 small wobbly
tweaked nautilus pixel sfx and colors
weak pixels use diamond debris
some more sfx and pixel tweaks
tweaked f1 core bullets
added pattern positionOffsetFunc
fire spinner attack
simplified patternNum param
rotate bullet pattern along with pixelgroup anchor
nautilus 2nd form patterns
nautilus f1 spray from close gun instead of core
bullet RenderRadius
diamond bullets renderlength etc
finished cleaning up old shouldFollowPlayer stuff
tweaked slowmo when dispersing powerups
pxcDamagePercent carries over to next bullet frame
bullets can ignore pxc collision on certain frames
bullets raycast from sourcepos on first frame
fixed powerup start angle
sort of fixed bullet debris, reflection, etc
Merge branch 'master' of
chunk debris doesnt collide with pixels
Fixed planets in a cluster wobbling on menu load
moved bullet visual lerping to dynamic update
Merge branch 'master' of
reworked bullet-pixel collision handling
fixed bullet-pixel collision during bullets first frames
fixed bullets penetrating rotating walls on their first frame
Started work on timer redesign
Timer diagnostics
More diagnostics
Fixed possible divergence in Pxc
Added `ReplayDiagnostics.AssertFixed()`
Fixed PixelChunk divergence
Post-diagnostics cleanup
Break out of fixed update loop on stage reset
Fixed possible exception when a timer is created
No longer pauses when losing focus while watching a replay
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
fixed bullets not despawning when finished their keyframes
temp effect slow vibration polish
every bullet pattern has an aiming mode now
reset jailboss rotation properly
bullet pattern angle offset func replaces random bullet angle func
Some more localised strings
Some extra diagnostics investigating a MovingWall divergence
fix bullet jittering backwards
cannon bullet scales with level
fixed bullets being shot through walls
bullet shoot pattern is now a bullet effect
fixed start angle
fix pixel chunk jittering
Fixed planet UI pages not being unfocussed on hide
powerup bullet for brake cannon
removed includes
Merge branch 'master' of
Nasty fix for planet links sometimes messing up on victory
Fixed game pausing on victory screen when focus is lost
each powerup has their own class
tweaked player hitbox blinking
player brake-cannon powerup
Merge branch 'master' of
Planet mouse hover takes core size into account
Can now click on button prompts again
Fixed being able to click on leaderboard entries that aren't visible
Clicking on the selected planet will now act as if confirm was pressed
Started work on mouse navigation of the main menu
Fixed menu option placements when planets change scale
Can now only click on navigable planets
Fixed last selected planet being forgotten if it was incomplete
Fixed case where leaderboard selection could go out of bounds
Can now hold Y to exit a stage while paused
Disabled navigating to neighbouring planets from menu options
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
tweaked jail stage bullets
bullets dont clip through pxc anymore
change fixed delta time back
Fixed some missing fonts in the replay UI
Fixed PlayerTempEffect divergence
Fixed leaderboard entry background coverting selection outline
Added Planet.ChainRigidity parameter
Added easing to options menu selection
Reset menu navigation delay if no keys are pressed
Added flags for cancel navigation behaviour
Pressing back now goes from menu option -> stage -> exit option
tweaked planet wobbling
jail boss 3rd form
can raycast for empty pixels
new player-pxc collision response handling
Merge branch 'master' of
Menu option planets now start in the right position
PlanetUI is now on top of planets / links
Fixed accidentally navigating out of the options menu when changing a toggle / slider
Disabled browsing leaderboard entries if there are none
Fixed scoring timer not counting up if not visible
Victory screen is functional again
Fixed PlanetUI sometimes not being attached to the correct menu option
Fixed depth sorting of active planet links
Added extra navigation delay when going from a stage to a menu option, or when wrapping
Changed how menu options ease when changing selected stage