4,276 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.07cph!
box stage
wind boss
wind bullet
asteroid stage
pxc can always ignore pixel connections
maze boss 0
ring shield
track inner wall
track boss laser
pixelsgroups can repel when they are destroyed
updated diamond shader
diamond spritesheet import settings
fire circle lethal
toggle fire on and off
top left plant
circle shader options array
circle sprites can be larger dimensions
background color lerping
some pixel spawning changes
plant respawns when pixels cut off
bullet pattern durationFunc
unit opacity cap
snake follows player
Skip recipe post process while in play mode
average out bullet properties with last frame to fix timescale issue
Cached expression returns types are now explicitly generated
Better handling for uncached expressions
Fixed possible infinite loop
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
Recipe code generation now processes bullet recipes
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
removed more old friction code
reworked vibration values
changed impulseFriction to impulseFrictionPercent
converted bullet friction to frictionPercent
lineparticle friction to frictionPercent
movementcontroller velocity uses frictionpercent
impulse velocity frictionpercent
changed player brake easing
bullet outer bounds
fixed unit opacity flickering
fixed a pattern volley timing issue when multiple volleys take place on a single frame
key depth correctly on top of pixelgroups
player gun renderposition
fixed pxc tint not being init correctly
can set movementcontroller position directly
key fade in etc
units properly set inactive after being destroyed
key stage
vibration max range
fixed unit from being disabled while bg still fading out
pixel debris spread angle
pixel chunk mass
can exit stage while on victory screen
pixel destroy vibration
improved bullet flash color opacity
better feedback when disconnecting pixel chunk
powerups leave stage bounds slowly
Merge branch 'master' of
Removed test line from ImportManager
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
added some explosive pixels on robot level
have to hold buttons to leave stage
Merge branch 'master' of
player locator lines
move faster while controls reversed
option to adjust relative mouse aiming radius
clamp mouse to screen bounds
destroy bullet effect
change despawn speed based on distance from bullet destroy effect
player hitbox uses circles
fixed player radius size
despawn line bullets when repelling bullets
tweaked how much players are pushed from bullets
bullet sprite blends into next frame
bullets can lerp between 2 frames, improved player aiming responsiveness
temp effect timers dynamic again
fixed temp effect divergences
reworked instanced shaders
fixed prereq rope starting node positions
Made sure combo options are formatted the same
Fixed game pausing when re-focussing sometimes
Submission failed error now mentions retry period
Failed leaderboard submissions get staggered out a bit better
Added description text to loading screen
Fixed an exception when playing offline
Fixed some more offline errors
tentacle prereq ropes
wheel prereq ropes
each pixelgroup have diff prereq rope properties
fixed chained gun ropes
tweaked rope visuals
fixed robot prereqs
fade ropes for hidden units
fade ropes in and out
rope start and end color
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge branch 'master' of
tweaked rope visuals
shield rope flows from prereq to dependant
can highlight ropes
Overall leaderboard time alignment now matches level leaderboard
Trying out showing 1 decimal place for times in leaderboards
Added sounds to options menu
Added antialiasing option in video settings
SMAA now defaults to ultra quality
fixed old pixel positions when restarting anim