4,276 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.07cph!
can rotate pxc 90 degrees during gameplay
pxcs visually rotate
pxcrotation calculations
increased replay aiming angular precision
stage debug unit hovering
can drag units around in debug mode
fuse stage boss & laser
fuse stage enemy
Can now use the fast forward / slomo UI buttons again
Player name auto-hides with the replay timeline
Added #if UNITY_EDITOR guards around Utils.DivergenceLog
Timeline now shows while playback speed is not 1
Fixed divergence caused by bullet pattern elapsed time not being reset properly
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
fixed turret target not using form 1 attacks
fixed wheel form 3 prereqs
Merge branch 'master' of
GetEdges works on pxcs with no anchors
Replay progress bar only shows if the cursor is over the game window
Better replay diagnostic formatting so it works with diff tools
Now logs replay diagnostic data when a test divergence frame is specified
Added standalone guard around steamworks api usage
Moved hijack button
Added player name and recording date to replay playback
Progress bar now auto-hides if the player doesn't move the mouse for a while
Fixed leaderboard entry selection showing when not in focus
show oldest powerup before destroying it
longer player trail
added gun visual effects and some missing charge times
incremented progression manager
changed leaderboard label TOTAL TIME to TIME
lerp mouse alt fire
fixed mine 2nd form not attacking
fixed satellite prereqs
round music timescale near 1f, speed up timescale when ffw replay
reworked some stuff with pixelgroup sprite/core colors
tweaked tentacle
removed default pixelgroup hp
removed unused octopus patterns and added shoot effects
Working on optimising connection checking
Fixed case where victory UI wouldn't hide
Connection cache memory optimisation
Merge branch 'master' into connections
Space is always left for leaderboard scrolling arrows
tentacles attract attack and visual effect
tentacle 3rd form
effect bullets use a different pool
tweaked visual effect when getting a powerup
pattern params patternNum & patternDegrees; tentacle orb attack
trying another fix for permanent invuln
redirect visual effects
player death effect
player damaged start visual effect
fixed timer bug
repel effect proper size
attract effect
bullet freeze effect
Fixed pxc connections possibly being marked as invalidated unnecessarily
Misc optimisation
Bullet update optimisation
despawn bullet that hits player to fix some issues
remove comment
bullet opacity correct while despawning
repel visual effect
cleaned up Bullet class a bit
bulletrecipe ignoreCollisions property
bullet patterns can have visual shoot effect pattern
ShootPatternTowardsPlayer bullet effect
bullet effect param can specify MirrorMode
more bullet shootpattern effect targeting options
fixed satellite anim files
repurposed bullet as explosion effect
removed stage_explosions
Added EffectParameter struct
Working on frame delta caching
Further Pxc_Animation optimisation
Fixed ShouldTestReplay
Pxc_Animation optimisation and some misc allocation reduction
Pxc_Connection optimisation
Added MaxCatchupFrames to GameManager
Can now load a replay file from command line, or a shared replay in-editor
reorganized bullet physics effects, non-negative bullets use full radius collision
merged bullet effect types
freeze bullet effect
flash bullet color
flash color when repelling bullets
bullet attract effect
vibration strength option
toggle controller vibration option