
700 Commits over 273 Days - 0.11cph!

10 Years Ago
Happy green success bar now shows after outputting a compiled package.
10 Years Ago
Fixed some mistakes in the test game.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting Conflicts: Resources/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll
10 Years Ago
Added references to ClearScript.
10 Years Ago
Revert "changed which line in game build scripts is colored green" This reverts commit 7ffe41b64385180998234d121b7a2293db1173db.
10 Years Ago
changed which line in game build scripts is colored green
10 Years Ago
added Pow and PI to Mathf
10 Years Ago
added a Reset method to Animation
10 Years Ago
added input state so single press input can be checked over network changed player input command to network pitch and yaw view angles and a 32 bit int for button state added fps camera instead of thirdperson
10 Years Ago
Added Sprite.Rotation
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting
10 Years Ago
Added custom resource type example.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' into networking
10 Years Ago
clients can request to release control from the owner cabinet
10 Years Ago
added userprefs.meta to gitignore
10 Years Ago
Added mock JS game.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' into networking Conflicts: Unity/Assets/Prefabs/Cabinet.prefab
10 Years Ago
Screens now automatically resize to match the aspect ratio of the game.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' into networking
10 Years Ago
Games can now specify their own resolutions and update rates.
10 Years Ago
a control cabinet entity event is raised when a client clicks on one of the proxy cabinets if it's not already being controlled. If the owner cabinet isn't being controlled then it will change IsControlled to true and replicate the bool to other players
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' into networking Conflicts: Resources/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll Resources/GameAPI.dll Resources/GamePackager.exe Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor/GameAPI.Editor.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.dll
10 Years Ago
Fixed camera juddering in the test game.
10 Years Ago
More compression.
10 Years Ago
Some more graphics stream compression.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into networking Conflicts: Resources/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll Resources/GameAPI.dll Resources/GamePackager.exe Unity/Assets/Plugins/Editor/GameAPI.Editor.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.dll
10 Years Ago
Reverted to old image asset loading.
10 Years Ago
Partial implementation of guessing non-grayscale swatches, probably going to revert.
10 Years Ago
Included latest release builds of the API.
10 Years Ago
Fix for camera translation not being networked.
10 Years Ago
Included fix for a possible issue when rendering from a stream, and a partial implementation of rendering from a stream.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' into networking
10 Years Ago
client spawns an entity when arcade screen is clicked, this is so I can see if I can get the serialized graphics data replicated to clients
10 Years Ago
Commented Swatch fields.
10 Years Ago
Updated VSDoc metadata
10 Years Ago
Updated VSDoc metadata
10 Years Ago
Added implicit conversions between Color24 and int, and some comments for swatch related methods in Palette.
10 Years Ago
Added comments to the Swatch class.
10 Years Ago
Made Entity.Stage setter internal.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade Conflicts: Resources/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll Unity/Assets/Plugins/GameAPI.BudgetBoy.dll
10 Years Ago
Fixed scripts within subdirectories not being compiled.
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' into networking Conflicts: Unity/ProjectSettings/InputManager.asset
10 Years Ago
removed bouncy ball
10 Years Ago
added mousewheel zooming for the demo scene
10 Years Ago
removed unused var
10 Years Ago
Graphics.GetImage logs the image name if it cant find it
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of
10 Years Ago
added userprefs to gitignore
10 Years Ago
Exposed writing and rendering to / from streams in GameBase
10 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade