700 Commits over 273 Days - 0.11cph!
Tweaked the CRT shader so it can no longer display a perfect black.
Fixed an error when queuing sound events.
Added a GameCabinet.SoundPlayed event, and a GameBase.QueueSoundFromStream(stream) method.
Recorded some replacement demos for Mazing.
Added a property to GameCabinet to enable bandwidth logging.
Attempt at fixing build script syntax errors on Mac OSX.
[mazing] tilemap for walls (though tilemaps need flipping support or i need to add some flipped images)
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Server no longer spawns cabinets, they get replicated fine if they're created in the scene. Different games don't sync yet though so the proxy will use the game on the prefab.
Implemented approximate screen glow from Tilemap rendering calls.
Added compression to packaged sounds.
Fix for remote controlled cabinets not having brighter screens.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Reconstructed the non-networked test scene.
Fixed BoltInit script not getting attached
Added missing scripts, ignoring bolt_src instead of bolt because that also ignores everything under Assets/bolt
Merge branch 'networking' of arcade
Connections now send a JoinRequest event for the server to create their Player entity with their requested name.
Added Player enter and leave events. Needs work so the server can send a player entity id instead of name.
Recoded multiplayer for latest version of Bolt. Making use of unique bolt ID's.
Using unity-chan box model as placeholder.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into js-scripting
Fixed compression for .demo files, still errors for images.
Fixed Mazing's demo (and added some extra ones).
Fixed demo files being spammed when starting recording.
Added VS project file for Mazing and removed some default parameter values so the game can be packaged on Windows.
Fixed blank tiles being rendered incorrectly (by being rendered).
Tilemaps are mostly working.
Added average frame size logging.
Implemented Tilemap rendering from stream, untested.
Refactored BudgetBoy.Graphics.
Implemented writing Tilemaps to stream, no reading and rendering yet.
[mazing] fixed demo and added a couple more levels. done i think
Merge branch 'master' into networking
Chat event sends a player entity so receivers can print the name into the chatbox
Improved chatbox
[mazing] attract mode (with placeholder demo), text outlines
[mazing] wall shadows, tweaked colors
[mazing] stage fade transitions
added temp main menu to connect to a server and to choose player name
added temp chatbox for in-game chatting
Added Tilemap.SetTile and Tilemap.ClearTile.
Added input box for IP:port to connect to and player name to be sent to server once connected.
Initial work on tile maps.
Added Stage.GetLayer(renderable) and Stage.SetLayer(renderable, layer)
Images are now packed down to 2 bits per pixel.
re-adding sublime-project to versioning, to make fresh clones easier to use
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Added layers for sprites in entities, and Entity.RemoveSprite(sprite), Entity.SetSpriteLayer(sprite, layer) and Entity.GetSpriteLayer(sprite).