
3,393 Commits over 273 Days - 0.52cph!

9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
[zombies] build menu shows tooltips
9 Years Ago
[zombies] build menu shows proper icons
9 Years Ago
[zombies] fence debris when damaged
9 Years Ago
[zombies] added fence structure
9 Years Ago
Improved chatbox visuals
9 Years Ago
Added history fade duration and delay to script to control through the inspector
9 Years Ago
Chatbox now removes history that completely overflows the history region
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Cured players of asthma.
9 Years Ago
Added fading line history to chatbox to show chat when chatbox is closed
9 Years Ago
Chatbox now closes after submitting and fixed input focus, ActivateInputField was needed before Select
9 Years Ago
Chatbox scroll to bottom now only happens if the scroll is already at the bottom
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Added auto scrolling to chatbox when text is added to output
9 Years Ago
Fixed an error when registering networkables client side.
9 Years Ago
Changed how players find themselves.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Fixed chatbox submit button
9 Years Ago
Making sure clients are given the message table before receiving their `Player` entity spawn message.
9 Years Ago
Chatbox submit with enter press now works
9 Years Ago
Game host processes now timeout if they lose connection with the game process.
9 Years Ago
Fixed chatbox output
9 Years Ago
Chat starts disabled, player connection response messages are now sent on `Channel.Spawn` to make sure they arrive before the client is told about any entities.
9 Years Ago
Players now oscillate up and down as a floating cube should.
9 Years Ago
`Chatbox` is now hidden by setting the alpha of its internal `CanvasGroup`.
9 Years Ago
Added ability to show / hide the chatbox.
9 Years Ago
Can now free the cursor with Esc.
9 Years Ago
Added command line options for standalone builds, fixed all players having the local client's avatar.
9 Years Ago
Fixed player angles interpolation.
9 Years Ago
Basic interpolation of player state.
9 Years Ago
Basic networked player state updates implemented.
9 Years Ago
Added crouching to `PlayerController`.
9 Years Ago
Finished basic player controller movement / mouselook.
9 Years Ago
Restructured `Unity/Arcade/Assets`.
9 Years Ago
Removed unnecessary references of `GameAPI.dll` from `Arcade` scripts.
9 Years Ago
Fixed protobuf class generation if the project path has spaces in it.
9 Years Ago
[zombies] soldiers get stat experience for doing different things
9 Years Ago
[zombies] stat lvl up effect
9 Years Ago
Started work on player controller, spawning networked entities mostly working.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'interior' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'interior' into net-lidgren Conflicts: Unity/Arcade/Assets/Scenes/NetworkTest.unity
9 Years Ago
More client side spawning work.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Improved chat box
9 Years Ago
Moved most protobuf schema definitions to be inline, started work on client side spawning.
9 Years Ago
Fixed standalone builds of the Arcade.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior
9 Years Ago
Got rid of the `Arcade.dll` project entirely, fixing networking initialization (???)
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into interior