
19,298 Commits over 1,614 Days - 0.50cph!

8 Years Ago
remade big stick view model from 5 varients of sticks that made up wood building 01
8 Years Ago
TribeCreationManager doesn't need to load all clothing assets each time it spawns a unit
8 Years Ago
bear grunts
8 Years Ago
Splitting Collaborations related AI behaviours into distinct modules
8 Years Ago
Debug tools tweaks
8 Years Ago
Fixed AIDebugger calling TimeManager before it exists
8 Years Ago
made dummy smaller checking in crocodile fbx even though it has been unchanged for weeks and not ready to go in
8 Years Ago
Added Active Social Selector to Ability.Collboration-Breed(Sender)'s DSE
8 Years Ago
Fixed CollaborationRecipientIsWaitingForSync incorrect state
8 Years Ago
More debug
8 Years Ago
Fixed bad toggle in collabs debug
8 Years Ago
Added CollaborationSettings data type, refactored related Actions and UnitComponent API Added some Collaborations data to the debug tools panel Fixed game only starting with 4 people when loading from main/standalone path Fixed bad getter in ManagerSingleton.Instance causing some Mangers to be created twice when ru?nning the game from a Zone scene in editor
8 Years Ago
Added NavMeshObstacles to the two fire building view prefabs
8 Years Ago
First draft of Breed Collaboration Cleaned up how we manage expired Collaboration Requests and Social Invitations
8 Years Ago
atmos 27 edits
8 Years Ago
fixed some issues with the attacks while running not facing fowards and the torso twisting resetting while pausing. removed if (TimeManager.GameSpeed == GameSpeeds.Frozen) return; from lateupdate as the code after was still requried to run while paused in order to offset the bone rotation
8 Years Ago
Menu UI "New Game" button hook up
8 Years Ago
Hitting the L key should no longer restart the game (was only implemented for quick testing).
8 Years Ago
Removed unnecessary use of static fields in managers (now expose static properties that access the fields via the singleton instance). EntityComponentSystems inherited from a Singleton class not managed by Unity, thus it's internal instances wouldn't null on scene unload, added a Shutdown routine to fix this. RestartGame functionality now works.
8 Years Ago
not sure why this changed, if the wolf was broken this might fix it
8 Years Ago
Corpse decay/dispenable tweaks
8 Years Ago
Human corpses provide raw meat
8 Years Ago
Radial menu buttons default to hover state
8 Years Ago
Fixed un-restricted entity selection causing some weird bugs in editor Radial menu puts UI in modal state while active Radial menu is now closed by any clicks outside it
8 Years Ago
Fixed long standing bug in BehaviourPlanSettingsEditor that caused the ActionChain reorderable list drawer to stop displaying after Unity compile
8 Years Ago
Refactoring UIScreen management
8 Years Ago
Fixed toggling the menu UI also toggling the game UI incorrectly... Fixed UIManger modal state management coroutine to only wait for a frame when setting the value to false Removed "IsModal" from UIScreen, because it was a hack and we don't need it anymore (i think)
8 Years Ago
Player logging settings Re-enabled pre-placed animal dens on island1
8 Years Ago
Fixed NRE related to weather/windzone in WorldManager init when playing island1 Fixed tribe start not working on island1 Fixed EntityView.Awake making calls to the WorldManager singleton, which it should not. EntityView.Awake overrides in ItemView, ResourceView etc
8 Years Ago
Condition.CandSendCollaborationRequest and Unit.Collaborations.CanSendRequest(target) now return false if the Unit has any pending, accepted or synced requests Social - Collaborations AI module is re-enabled
8 Years Ago
Lots of Socials related conditions cleanup and improvements. People breed again!
8 Years Ago
Fixed Action.CreateSocial destroying socials when the target's invitation was selected!
8 Years Ago
Action.CreateSocial breaks if CanSendInvitation fails on the target, to avoid two Agents trying to create a social with each other Action.CreateSocial can secify whether to Destroy the social if the invitation sent to target was declined Added MaxInactiveLifetime to SocialSettings Breeding socials will destroy if their first invitation is declined
8 Years Ago
Fixed UnitPortraitWidget not showing up until you've deselected a Unit once (BEFORE-535)
8 Years Ago
updated human torso mask so the flipping spears should work when throwing and walking
8 Years Ago
Debug selection restrction is stored in EditorPrefs
8 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in DebugToolsObject Data save
8 Years Ago
wolf root motion attack
8 Years Ago
in combat has an addive animation to make animals look scary
8 Years Ago
Fixed RequestCollaboration sending the wrong ability plans to each unit Lots of collaboration data design tweaks Fixed DSE debug NRE related to evaluating Social roles
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Debug overlay tweaks, can now show info for all units, not just selected or player tribe
8 Years Ago
SocialParticipants no longer have a state, as it was useless and over-complicating lots of the API SocialParticipants are only created once a SocialInvitation has been Accepted
8 Years Ago
DebugToolsObject tweak
8 Years Ago
SpawnDistrubtion raycast/ground height fix to make things spawn properly on top of layers other than Ground. Refactoring Socials to have a similar API to Collaborations, as well as better recording keeping with Invitations.
8 Years Ago
Moved some EntityView stuff into Awake
8 Years Ago
Initial implementation of building placement collision checking
8 Years Ago
tags changed on atmos 27
8 Years Ago
new negative atmos piece
8 Years Ago
improved the getting hit anims